POST feeds: Migrate offers between manual and SSS templates

The POST feeds endpoint allows sellers to quickly migrate configurations between manual and SSS templates. Sellers need to have account level settings created before using this endpoint.

Request Parameters

feedTypeYesstringDefault: “PROGRAM_ACTIONS
Feed Type
requestTypeYesstringDefault: “SHIPPING_CONFIG
Request Type
ProgramActionFeedHeaderNoobjectProgramAction feed header details
ProgramActionNoarray of objectsThis includes all the SKU ids and the type of shipping configuration to migrate.

Sample Request

POST feeds: Migrate offers between manual and SSS templates (Select to expand)
{ "ProgramActionFeedHeader": { "version": "5.0.20241002-17_27_17-api", "locale": "en", "businessUnit": "WALMART_US" }, "ProgramAction": [ { "Programs": { "ShippingConfiguration": { "itemShippingConfiguration": "Simplified Shipping Settings" } }, "ItemIdentifiers": { "sku": "8922gfgf" } } ]

Sample Response

feedIdstringsA unique ID, returned from the Bulk Migration API, used for tracking the Feed File.
POST feeds: Migrate offers between manual and SSS templates (Select to expand)
 { "feedId": "17EF05E37122540094F294ED0F8F66B8@Af8BBgAY"