Provide shipment tracking details
You must provide shipment tracking information after creating your Inbound Order for WFS.
Provide tracking information for small parcels, including the shipment carrier's name (such as USPS) and the tracking number.
WFS can then update the expected delivery date to adjust the fulfillment inbound capacity to avoid any receiving delays.
You can call Inbound Shipment Items API for an update on the expected delivery date.
Send shipment tracking info to WFS
The Update Shipment Tracking API provides tracking information.
Call POST /v3/fulfillment-shipment-tracking and specify these request parameters:
- Inbound Order shipment ID –
- Name of the shipment carrier:
- Tracking number –
Tracking Info { "shipmentId":"431252355", "carrierName":"USPS", "trackingInfo":["423154512","145254552355"] }
Upon success, you receive an “OK” status response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: xxx Content-Type: application/pdf; { "status": "OK" }
Updated about 1 month ago