Price and promotional price management API overview (new)

The price is a fundamental building block for your listing on You can use the price and promotional price management APIs to set up and manage the price and promotional price for a given item. The following rules apply to set the promotions:

  • The maximum number of promotions for a given item should not be more than 10.
  • The effective start date for a given promotion should be more than four hours from the current date and time.
  • You cannot cancel a promotion within four hours of the start time. If you want to cancel a promotion that is about to start, you should let it begin and then use the delete an item call.
  • A promotion end date cannot be before or equal to the promotion start date.
  • The end date of a given promotion should be within 180 days from the start date and time. Any promotions beyond 180 days will result in an error.
  • If a promotion’s start and end dates overlap with other promotions for the same item, it will result in an error.

When setting up price and/or promotional pricing on, seller needs to provide below information in API:

skuSKU of an item for which Price/Promotion need to be setup or update.StringYesN/A
priceThe Price customer pays for the product that would be showing on
msrpSellers can submit the MSRP for the SKU. After sellers submit MSRP, we will substantiate it and use it for strikethrough pricing calculation.DoubleNoN/A
promoidPromotion ID isrequired if existing promotion Information needs to be updated.StringNoN/A
promotionSettingActionSeller can select:

- Create for promo creation. If sellers would like to create promotion, they will need to fill in Promo Price and Promo Price Start Date and Promo Price End Date

- Delete to delete an existing promotion. Sellers would need to input the exact Promo Price Start Date and Promo Price End Date, which match with an existing promotion in the system. (Note: Sellers can refer to their existing promotion via promo report).

- Replace All serves two main purposes:

- Delete All existing promotion: Sellers can use Replace All to delete all existing promotions. 

- Replace All existing promotions and create new promotions at the same time.

For setting up promotions
promotionPlacementSeller can select MAP Cart to hide the price until customers click add to cart during checkout.StringNoN/A
promotionTypeSellers can select:

- Reduced for temporary price reduction which lasts for a minimum of 14 days (e.g. during special merchandising events on

- Clearance if an item has either reached end of its lifecycle or is being liquidated.
promotionPricePromotion price that sellers would like to set for the SKU.

This is a mandatory field for creating new promotions.

For creating new promotions
promotionPriceStartDateTimeThe effective start date for a given promotion. Time should be specified in the UTC format.

This is a mandatory field for creating new promotions or deletion of existing promotions.

For creating new promotions/deleting existing promotions
promotionPriceEndDateTimeThe effective end date for a given promotion. Time should be specified in the UTC format.

This is a mandatory field for creating new promotions or deletion of existing promotions.

For creating new promotions/deleting existing promotions

For more information about the promotional pricing, see our article.

JSON schema files

Price Management XSDs are available for download:
