POST item setup by product type: Feed file structure overview

The POST Bulk Item Setup and Maintenance by Product Type request uses feed files to submit data. A feed consists of an API request with an attached file, called the feed file or load file. The feed file contains a list of records (for example, items) that sellers submit for processing.

POST Bulk Item Setup by Product Type feed files have the following basic JSON schema structure.

NOTE: The JSON schema structure may slightly change per feed type, see Seller Fulfilled vs Walmart Fulfilled examples below.

Seller fulfilled schema example:

{"title": "MPItemFeed", "properties": { "MPItemFeedHeader": { "type": "object", "definition": "Contains attributes applicable to the entire submission. Only required one time for the item(s) being setup in the submission."}, "MPItem": { "minItems": 1, "definition": "This object is used to define each item being set up as part of the submission. This object must be completed for each unique item configuration being setup.", "type": "array", "items": { "properties": { "Orderable": { "type": "object", "definition": "This section of the item setup schema contains the attributes required to create an offer to be sold on This section contains key attributes such as SKU, Product ID. See other key attribute examples below.” }, "isPreOrder": { "type": " Boolean ", "title": "isPreOrder", "enum": [ "Yes", "No"]
“releaseDate”: {
“type”: “ISO 8601 string”,
“title”: “releaseDate”,
“example”: “2025-02-04T00:00:00.000Z”
} "definition": "isPreOrder is a key attribute for the Pre-Order program. To create listing for this program, you must be pre-enrolled; providing “Yes” to this attribute without enrollment will result in an item setup data error. If isPreOrder is Yes, then you must provide the releaseDate attribute” {“Note: Some attributes may have Conditional Requirements. At the end of each schema (Orderable & Visible), the schema will define the conditions of a Conditionally Required Attribute. In the example below, you can see how releaseDate is conditionally Required if isPreOrder = “Yes””}
"required": [ "isPreOrder” "allOf": [ {"then": { "required": [ "releaseDate”] }, "if": { "properties": { "isPreOrder { "type": "Boolean", "enum": [ "Yes " {“Note: “You can add inventory to items during item setup. To add inventory, you must provide the quantity and fulfillment center Id. You can also add inventory for programs such as pre-order. To do so, provide quantity (Inventory), fulfillment center id, and inventory availability date. WFS does not support Inventory during item setup. ”}
"quantity": "Type": "Integer", "title": "Inventory", "description": "Number, 17 characters - What is the inventory count? (for example, 10)", "definition": "Quantity allows you to define the item inventory at the time of item setup. Inventory quantity and node allocation can also be managed post item setup.” }, "fulfillmentCenterID": { "type": "string", "title": "Fulfillment Center ID", "description": "Alphanumeric, 100 characters - The fulfillment center where the SKU is physically located. If you have not defined any fulfillment center and operate through a default node (virtual) then use virtual node ID, which is same as your partner ID. For example, 83746529874858434. Check your fulfillment center Ids at", }, "inventoryAvailabilityDate": { "type": "string", "title": "Pre Order Available On", "format": "date-time",
"description": "Date, What date (yyyy-mm-dd) would the inventory quantity be available for pre-order? Required field for setting up inventory for a pre-order item. Leave blank for non-pre-order items." "Visible": { "type": "object", "definition": "This section of the item setup schema contains the Product Types that can be selected for Item Setup, and all of the relevant attributes that are required to setup the item in that Product Type. See some of the key attribute examples below.", "properties": { "Product Type 1": "Animal Feed", "Product Type 2": "Tires"}}, }, "condition": { "type": "string", "title": "Condition", "enum": [ "Pre-Owned: Fair", "Remanufactured", "New with defects", "Open Box", "Pre-Owned: Good", "New without box", "New", "New without tags", "Pre-Owned: Like New" "definition": "Condition is a key attribute for programs such as Pre-Owned & Restored. To create listings for these programs, you must be pre-enrolled. Providing a Used or Restored condition during items without being enrolled in these programs will result in an item setup data error.", ] }, "productSecondaryImageURL": { "type": "array", "title": "Additional Image URL", "minEntries": 4, "definition”: “minEntries is a metadata field which identifies the required number of attribute values that must be provided to create an item. In this example, you must provide four additional Image URLs to create this product. minEntries requirement varies based on the Product Type of your item.}, 

Walmart fulfilled schema example:

When creating or updating a WFS item, in addition to the Seller fulfilled schema structure outlined above, there is also another required section called Trade Item. For details on the Trade Item schema model, see below.

 "TradeItem": { "type": "object", "definition": "The Trade Item schema is where you will provide attributes that are required to setup an item configuration based on packaging terms (For example, Each, Case pack, and Pallet) so that your WFS order can be placed and received by the Walmart Fulfillment Center."} 

The objects and attributes in each item setup schema will vary based on the chosen fulfillment method and product type. Each feed file schema will define all the available attributes, definitions, and examples based on your selection.