Order intent to cancel event

This notification occurs when an order is created with the intent to cancel.

When the event occurs, the seller will receive the response payload on the destination URL, as given in the samples.

  • Event Type: INTENT_TO_CANCEL
  • Event Version: V1
  • Resource Name: ORDER

Response parameters

 sourceEvent meta informationObject
eventTypeEvent for which the notification is receivedString
eventTimeTime at which the event occursString
eventIdUnique ID of the eventString
 payloadEvent detailsObject
partnerIdSeller’s Partner IDString
purchaseOrderIdA unique ID associated with the seller’s purchase orderString
customerOrderIdA unique ID associated with the sales order for a specified customerString
orderDateThe date the customer submitted the sales orderString
estimatedDeliveryDateThe estimated time and date for the delivery of the itemString
estimatedShipDateThe estimated time and date when the item will be shippedString
orderLinesPurchase Order line information for each itemList of OrderLine
lineNumberThe line number associated with the details for each item in the purchase orderString
skuA unique ID which identifies the itemString
productNameName of the itemString
quantityDetails about the quantityObject
unitOfMeasureUnit of measurementString
measurementValueQuantity valueString
statusStatus of the order line. Example: CREATEDString
statusDateDate of most recent status shown on the orderString
shippingProgramTypeGives shipping program information. Examples: TWO_DAY, THREE_DAY, etc.String
shippingMethodShipping Method. Examples: Value, Expedited, Standard, etc.String
cancellationReasonReason for cancellation of PO LineString
cancelSubReasonCodeDescriptionDescription of cancellation sub-reason codeString
shipNodeTypeSpecifies the type of shipNode. Possible values are: SellerFulfilled, WFSFulfilled, and 3PLFulfilled.String

Sample payload: Intent to cancel

{ source": { "eventType": "INTENT_TO_CANCEL", "eventFilters": null, "eventTime": "2024-05-08T08:38:59.604Z", "eventId": "6152fd40-0d16-11ef-a1eb-f54123823e1e" }, "payload": { "partnerId": "10000680931", "purchaseOrderId": "1805600225946", "customerOrderId": "1594199846496", "orderDate": "2020-07-05T01:05:09+00:00", "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2020-07-17T19:00:00+00:00", "estimatedShipDate": "2020-07-09T03:00:00+00:00", "orderLines": [ { "lineNumber": "1", "sku": "9133KHAKIL", "productName": "Healing Hands Purple Label Women's Tori 5-Pocket Scrub Pant", "quantity": { "unitOfMeasure": "EACH", "measurementValue": "1" }, "status": "PO Created", "statusDate": "2020-07-17T03:19:55.752+00:00", "shippingProgramType": "TWO_DAY", "shippingMethod": "VALUE", "cancellationReason": "Auto-cancelled due to expiry" "cancelSubReasonCodeDescription": "Used the wrong payment method." } ], "shipNodeType": "SellerFulfilled" } }