Offer unpublished event

Offer unpublished event is when the seller’s offer moves from Published to Unpublished status.

When the event occurs, the seller will receive the response payload on the destination URL, as given in the samples.

  • Event Version: V1
  • Resource Name: ITEM

Response parameters

 sourceEvent Meta informationObject
eventTypeEvent for which the notification is receivedString
eventTimeTime at which the event occursString
eventIdUnique ID of the eventString
 payloadEvent detailsObject
partnerIdSeller’s Partner IDString
skuA unique ID which identifies the itemString
publishStatusStatus of the item in the submission processString
lifecycleStatusStatus of the item in the overall lifecycleString
statusChangeReasonsReason for the item to be unpublished. If there are multiple reasons for the item to be unpublished, all will be listed here.Map<String,String>
itemIdA unique ID that identifies the item. Received only if statusChangeReasons = REASONABLE_PRICE_NOT_SATISFIEDString
itemNameName of the item. Received only if statusChangeReasons = REASONABLE_PRICE_NOT_SATISFIEDString
categoryCategory of the item. Received only if statusChangeReasons = REASONABLE_PRICE_NOT_SATISFIEDString
totalNumberOfOffersNo. of offers on the item from all sellers. Received only if statusChangeReasons = REASONABLE_PRICE_NOT_SATISFIEDInteger
sellerOfferPriceSeller’s offer price on the item. Received only if statusChangeReasons = REASONABLE_PRICE_NOT_SATISFIEDDouble
sellerShippingPriceSeller’s shipping price on the item. Received only if statusChangeReasons = REASONABLE_PRICE_NOT_SATISFIEDDouble
referencePriceReference price used for the offer to be unpublished. Received only if statusChangeReasons = REASONABLE_PRICE_NOT_SATISFIEDDouble
referencePriceURLURL for the reference price. Received only if statusChangeReasons = REASONABLE_PRICE_NOT_SATISFIEDString
referencePriceTypeSource of the reference price. Received only if statusChangeReasons = REASONABLE_PRICE_NOT_SATISFIEDString

Sample payload 1: Offer unpublished

{ "source": { "eventType": "OFFER_UNPUBLISHED", "eventTime": "2019-02-21T01:01:08.000Z", "eventId": "03d34580-61d4-11ea-9e23-cd38810ff7cd" }, "payload": { "partnerId": "12300014482", "sku": "83852627", "publishStatus": "UNPUBLISHED", "lifecycleStatus": "ACTIVE", "statusChangeReasons": { "SHIPPING_INFO_MISSING": "No shipping information was set up." } }

Sample payload 2: offer unpublished

{ "source": { "eventType": "OFFER_UNPUBLISHED", "eventTime": "2019-02-21T01:01:08.000Z", "eventId": "03d34580-61d4-11ea-9e23-cd38810ff7cd" }, "payload": { "partnerId": "12300014482", "sku": "9458276", "publishStatus": "UNPUBLISHED", "lifecycleStatus": "ACTIVE", "statusChangeReasons": { "REASONABLE_PRICE_NOT_SATISFIED": "Reasonable price requirements are not met" }, "itemId": "21125774", "itemName": "Pantene Pro-V Daily Moisture Renewal Shampoo, 12.6 fl oz", "category": "HAIR CARE", "totalNumberOfOffers": 28, "sellerOfferPrice": 11.72, "sellerShippingPrice": 0, "referencePrice": 9.47 }

Sample payload 3: Offer unpublished

{ "source": { "eventType": "OFFER_UNPUBLISHED", "eventTime": "2019-02-21T01:01:08.000Z", "eventId": "03d34580-61d4-11ea-9e23-cd38810ff7cd" }, "payload": { "partnerId": "12300014482", "sku": "83852627", "publishStatus": "UNPUBLISHED", "lifecycleStatus": "ACTIVE", "statusChangeReasons": { "REASONABLE_PRICE_NOT_SATISFIED": "Reasonable price requirements are not met" }, "itemId": "771087594", "itemName": "OVE Decors Lynton 36 in. Fruit Single Sink Bathroom Vanity with Tiger Granite Top", "category": "BATH AND LAUNDRY", "totalNumberOfOffers": 7, "sellerOfferPrice": 1049.95, "sellerShippingPrice": 0, "referencePrice": 680.59, "referencePriceURL": "", "referencePriceType": "Amazon" }