API scopes for Walmart Marketplace

API scopes for Walmart Marketplace

This table lists the OAuth scopes that are applicable to Walmart Marketplace APIs supporting our seller data in Seller Center. These scopes determine the level of access that your app will have when accessing Seller Center data. To ensure security and privacy for our sellers, it is important to set the scopes to the minimum level of access that your application use case requires. This information will be displayed on the authentication request page, allowing our sellers to provide consent and ensure transparency about how your app accesses their data.

API Grouping for SellersAPI ScopesAPI ResourcesDescription
Items Items/items,  /feeds?feedType=item,  /feeds?feedType=MP_ITEM,  /feeds?feedType=OMNI_WFS,  /feeds?feedType=RETIRE_ITEM,  /feeds?feedType=MP_WFS_ITEM,  /feeds?feedType=MP_MAINTENANCE,  /feeds?feedType=MP_ITEM_MATCH /feeds?feedType=FITMENT_PIES /feeds?feedType=FITMENT_ACES /feedsSet up and manage items and lag time
ItemsLag Time/lagtime, /feeds?feedType=lagtime/feedsSet up and manage items and lag time
OrdersOrders/ordersManage orders
Pricing & PromotionsPrice/price, /cppreference, /repricer,  /repricerFeeds, /promo, /feeds?feedType=price,  /feeds?feedType=promo,  /feeds?feedType=CPT_SELLER_ELIGIBILITY /feedsSet up and manage pricing and promotions
InventoryInventory/inventory, /inventories /feeds?feedType=inventory,  /feeds?feedType=MP_INVENTORY /feedsManage inventory
ReturnsReturns/returns,  /feeds?feedType=RETURNS_OVERRIDES /feedsManage returns and refunds
Account ProfileAccount Profile/settings/partnerprofile, /settings/shippingprofileRetrieve partner ID, store ID, feed throttling, and lag time configurations
AnalyticsReports/report, /getReport, /insights, /growthAccess various performance metrics.
Walmart Fulfillment ServicesFulfillment/orders-fulfillments, /fulfillmentApplicable for Walmart Fulfillment Services sellers only. Manage carrier and tracking information
ShippingShipping /feeds?feedType=SHIPPING_OVERRIDES, /feeds?feedType=SKU_TEMPLATE_MAP, /shipping, /settings/shipping, /feedsManage shipping rules and methods
ShippingRules/rulesManage shipping rules and methods
NotificationsNotifications/webhooksSet up and retrieve notifications on events, such as out-of-stock

OAuth 2.0 flow illustration with Partner site entry

OAuth 2.0 flow illustration with Marketplace app store site entry


Review this page for a full list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding OAuth 2.0.