Item spec reporting
Use this section to review changes that have occurred from the older version of the spec to the latest. Walmart provides spec reporting each time there is an update to the item spec. Make sure to check this section regularly to capture all the item setup requirement changes. For example, the 4.X to 5.X Diff Report explains the changes between 4.X and 5.X. Understanding the differences between each version simplifies the 5.X migration process.
Item Spec | Report Type | Feed Type | Documents |
Create: MP (SFF) | Spec 5.X Diff Report | MP_ITEM | Link |
Maintenance: MP (SFF) and WFS | Spec 5.X Diff Report | MP_MAINTENANCE | Link |
Create: WFS | Spec 5.X Diff Report | MP_WFS_ITEM | Link |
Convert: WFS | Spec 5.X Diff Report | OMNI_WFS | Link |
Category mapping updates | Migration Documentation | N/A | Link |
4.X to 5.X Diff Report | Migration Documentation | All | Link |
Updated 7 days ago