Item management SLA and terminology

The details below provide information on the item submission service level agreement (SLA) and potential exceptions.

  • What is the item submission service level agreement (SLA)?
    A bulk item submission (create or update) takes up to four hours to process.
  • Are there any exceptions to the SLA?
    Walmart fulfilled submissions that require Hazmat checks can go into a manual Walmart associate review process. This review process is noted in the feed status response. The SLA for this review can take up to 48 hours.
  • How long does it take for items to be visible in Walmart’s catalog or on
    There is an SLA of up to six hours between when an item is successfully submitted and when the data is available.
  • How can I tell if my item submission was successful?
    Item submissions (setup or maintenance) are assigned a feed status. Sellers can locate and monitor their submission status by using the Feed Status API, or sellers can view their Walmart’s catalog item status using the read request APIs (POST Catalog Search, Get All Items, or Get An Item).


Refer to the table below for frequently used terms and their description.

Item SetupThe process of creating a listing on
Item MaintenanceThe process of updating an existing listing.
Seller Fulfilled (SFF)A marketplace item which is fulfilled by a marketplace seller.
Walmart Fulfilled Services (WFS)A marketplace item which is fulfilled by Walmart on behalf of a marketplace seller.
Product TypeA specified item type with a specific set of attributes that define the product. Example: Animal Shampoos
Product Type GroupA collection of products that share similar properties. Example: Animal Grooming
CategoryA grouping of like items but may contain many products. Example: Animals
Spec/SchemaThe data model that defines the attributes and attribute requirements for different Product Types when creating a listing for
Feed TypeA specific request that identifies a specific job to be done. Example: MP_ITEM will trigger a SFF item creation.
Offer Setup by Match (OSBM)The process of creating a new offer for an item that already exists on
WFS ConvertThe process of converting an already existing Seller Fulfilled item to a Walmart Fulfilled item.
SKURefers to the Stock Keeping Unit. A unique code assigned to an item by a seller to be able to track inventory, orders, and easily manage their item details.
Product IDA unique numerical or alphanumerical code that is assigned to the product you are listing. Example: A 14-digit GTIN
CatalogThe collection of items/assortment listed on Walmart.
Base Variant/ Variant GroupA product variant group is a group of individual items that only differ by a few attributes – for example, a pair of shoes that come in different colors or a t-shirt that comes in different sizes. The items in a variant group are displayed together on one item page on
WPIDA 12-digit Walmart generated product identifier that represents your item in the Walmart Catalog.
GTINRefers to the Global Trade Item Number. A unique identifier assigned to an item, used primarily for scanning products at checkout. It represents the data structure used to identify the scannable item, case, inner pack (break pack), or pallet within the product hierarchy. Example: 00123456781011
UPCRefers to the Universal Product Code. A type of barcode widely used in North America for tracking items in stores. It consists of a 12-digit number that uniquely identifies a product. Example: 012345678905.
ISBNRefers to the International Standard Book Number. A unique identifier, a 10 or 13-digit number including check-digit, for scanning and sales tracking.

- ISBN-10: 0-306-40615-2
- ISBN-13: 978-0-306-40615-7
EANRefers to the European Article Number. A standard for barcoding and numbering products, widely used internationally. It is also known as the International Article Number but retains the EAN acronym.

- EAN-13: 4006381333931
- EAN-8: 12345670