Inventory OOS event

When the inventory OOS notification event occurs, the seller will receive the response payload at the destination URL, as shown in the sample payload.

This notification is triggered when an inventory is out of stock.

  • Event Type: INVENTORY_OOS
  • Event Version: V1
  • Resource Name: INVENTORY

Response parameters

 sourceEvent meta informationObject
eventTypeEvent for which the notification is receivedString
eventTimeTime at which the event occursString
eventIdUnique ID of the eventString
 payloadEvent detailsObject
partnerIdSeller’s Partner IDString
itemIdA unique ID that identifies the itemString
skuA unique ID that identifies the itemString
productNameName of the itemString
categoryThe item categoryString
shipNodesThe shipNode detailsList
availToSellQtyThe quantity available to sell.Integer
shipNodeThe shipNode IdString
shipNodeNameThe name of the shipNodeString

Sample payload 1: Inventory OOS

{ "source": { "eventType": "INVENTORY_OOS", "eventTime": "2021-03-31T06:39:54.726Z", "eventId": "e734a060-91eb-11eb-8024-dbd12dd659ed" }, "payload": { "partnerId": "123633591", "itemId": "286687472", "sku": "PORA-L500-Light-Stone-L", "productName": "Port Authority Women's Polo", "category": "Clothing, Shoes & Accessories", "shipNodes": [ { "availToSellQty": 0, "shipNode": "633591", "shipNodeName": "633591@PORA-L500-Light-Stone-L@ACTIVE" } ] }