Get top trending Walmart items
You can grow your business by adding the top trending item best sellers at Walmart to your seller catalog with the Trending Items API. Best selling items are ranked and you can search for best sellers within each item department or department category.
The Trending Items API returns all items with rank values 1 through 5. A rank of 5 or above indicates a best seller.
Step 1: Get the department names and IDs
First, you need to select the department or department category of item top sellers.
Call GET All Departments API to return a list of all department names and department IDs. For example, call: /v3/utilities/taxonomy/departments
This call returns all department names and department IDs in JSON format.
Example: Get all departments
{ "superDepartment": "PETS AND SUPPLIES", "superDepartmentId": "47000", "departments": [ { "departmentName": "LARGE PET DURABLES", "departmentId": "47010" }, { "departmentName": "CAT FOOD", "departmentId": "47011" }, { "departmentName": "SMALL PET DURABLES", "departmentId": "47015" }, { "departmentName": "DOG FOOD", "departmentId": "47002" } ]
Now that you have the department ID, you can provide it to get the top sellers in that department.
(Optional) Step 2: Get the categories and IDs
Similarly, to get category names and IDs within a department, call GET All Categories API and specify the departmentId
For example: /v3/utilities/taxonomy/departments/1021082
This returns the department name and department ID, with list of all category names and categoryId
for that department. For example, here are the categories within the Audio department.
Example: All category names in the audio department
{ "status": "SUCCESS", "payload": { "departmentName": "AUDIO", "departmentId": "1021082", "categories": [ { "categoryName": "HEADPHONES L3", "categoryId": "1021180" }, { "categoryName": "HOME THEATER L3", "categoryId": "1021183" }, { "categoryName": "AUDIO HARDWARE", "categoryId": "1021172" }, { "categoryName": "MP3 PLAYERS L3", "categoryId": "1021181" }, { "categoryName": "SPEAKERS L3", "categoryId": "1021182" } ] }
Step 3: Get the top selling items for that department
Now that you have the department ID that you want, you can search for top trending items within that department.
You must provide the departmentId. Optionally, you can make your search specific to a category by adding categoryId as an optional request parameter.
To get the best sellers in the Audio department, call:
Upon success, this API call returns the list of top ranked items from 1 to 20.
For example, you can see the top three best sellers for the Audio department, gaining valuable insights, such as rank for each item, and if this item exists for you. It also provides item details that will easily allow you to ingest and publish the item, such as itemId and 2day eligible.
Example: Top 3 best sellers in Audio
{ "departmentName": "AUDIO", "categoryName": "HEADPHONES L3", "productName": "Apple AirPods Pro", "subCategoryName": "WIRELESS HEADPHONES", "isTwoDayEligible": 1, "itemId": "520468661", "totalOffers": 9, "superDepartmentName": "72 ELECTRONICS", "existsForSeller": 0, "rank": 1, "brand": "Apple" }, { "departmentName": "AUDIO", "categoryName": "SPEAKERS L3", "productName": "JBL Flip Essential Bluetooth Speaker", "subCategoryName": "WIRELESS SPEAKERS", "isTwoDayEligible": 0, "itemId": "368861200", "totalOffers": 0, "superDepartmentName": "72 ELECTRONICS", "existsForSeller": 0, "rank": 2, "brand": "JBL" }, { "departmentName": "AUDIO", "categoryName": "HEADPHONES L3", "productName": "onn. True Wireless Earphones, White", "subCategoryName": "IN EAR HEADPHONES", "isTwoDayEligible": 1, "itemId": "283162082", "totalOffers": 1, "superDepartmentName": "72 ELECTRONICS", "existsForSeller": 0, "rank": 3, "brand": "onn." }
Step 4: Get top selling items within a department category
To get top trending items within the Audio department, specifically the headphones category, call:
Upon success, it returns the top ranked best-selling items in the Headphones category.
For example, here are the top two best sellers for Headphones: Airpods Pro is the number 1 best seller, and on Wireless earphones is the number three best seller.
Example: Top trending items by department category
{ "departmentName": "AUDIO", "categoryName": "HEADPHONES L3", "productName": "Apple AirPods Pro", "subCategoryName": "WIRELESS HEADPHONES", "isTwoDayEligible": 1, "itemId": "520468661", "totalOffers": 9, "superDepartmentName": "72 ELECTRONICS", "existsForSeller": 0, "rank": 1, "brand": "Apple" }, { "departmentName": "AUDIO", "isbn": "", "categoryName": "HEADPHONES L3", "productName": "onn. True Wireless Earphones, White", "subCategoryName": "IN EAR HEADPHONES", "isTwoDayEligible": 1, "itemId": "283162082", "totalOffers": 1, "superDepartmentName": "72 ELECTRONICS", "existsForSeller": 0, "rank": 3, },
Updated about 2 months ago