Get shipping configurations

This API can retrieve shipping configurations like Lag Time Exceptions configured for Partners (Sellers). It returns lag time for exception categories that were configured for the Partner (Seller) through the Request Lag Time Exceptions  process. Usually, a lag time of 0 and 1 can be set for an Item if the item does not belong to an Exception category. The API will return an empty response if no exceptions are set for a Partner (Seller) or Lag Time Exceptions are removed. The Lagtime Exception Categories include “Art & Craft,” “Garden & Patio,” and more.

The fulfillmentLagTime value returned by the API is the maximum lag time that can be set against Items belonging to these categories. The lag time exception categories are the same categories found under Item Spec -> “properties -> MPItem -> items -> properties -> Visible -> properties.” Item setup can be performed using the “Bulk Item Setup” API  here.

You can fetch the Lag Time with the Lag Time API. You can update the Lag Time with the Update lag time API.

The Partner block will have the following fields:

  • partnerId – The partner/seller ID
  • partnerName – The seller’s legal name
  • partnerDisplayName – The seller’s name shown on
  • partnerStoreId – The partner/seller ID for the Walmart store URL