Get RAP post-purchase items

You can get the eligible, enrolled, and complete RAP items using the Get RAP Post-purchase items API. The Get RAP Post-purchase items API returns a set of recommended eligible items ranked on the basis of item priority as suggested by Walmart. Item priority takes various factors into consideration such as sales, impressions, page views, reviews count, and seasonality.

The Get RAP Post-purchase Items API returns a maximum of 200 items in one batch, along with a Scroll ID to fetch subsequent batches of items.

Step 1: Get eligible RAP post-purchase items

To get all ELIGIBLE items for RAP use the Get RAP Post-purchase items API with itemStatus: ELIGIBLE as a filter.

This call returns all eligible item IDs in a JSON format with other attributes like item name, current review count, impressions, sales, and page views.

Example: Get RAP post-purchase eligible items request
{ "filter": { "itemStatus": "ELIGIBLE" }
Example: Get RAP post-purchase eligible items response
{ "statusCode": 200, "payload": { "totalItems":10023, "fetchedItems":200, "dateRange":"7DAYS",
"scrollId":"DXF1ZXJ5QW5kRmV0Y2gBAAAAAACUyUsWamJiNUxwcDJUU0dxbHBObmJvRUF2UQ==", "items": [{ "itemId": "100015964", "itemName": "View-Master Discovery Kids 3D Marine Life Toy Viewfinder Reel", "sales": 231232, "currentReviews": 3, "impressions": 213341, "currentPageViews": 212242, "reviewsCollected": 0, "sku": "NK-WHT2XL", "itemStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "itemPriority": 1 },{ "itemId": "100059434", "itemName": "Strikeforce Men's Flyer Medium and Wide Width Bowling Shoe", "sales": 135234, "currentReviews": 3, "impressions": 1342543, "currentPageViews": 234323, "reviewsCollected": 0, "sku": "NK-WHT2MW", "itemStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "itemPriority": 2 }, ...] }

Now that you have the ELIGIBLE item list, you can choose to enroll the appropriate items into the program.

Step 2: Get ENROLLED RAP post-purchase items

Similarly, to get the enrolled items, use the Get RAP Post-purchase items API with itemStatus: ENROLLED as a filter.

Example: Get RAP post-purchase enrolled items request
{ "filter": { "itemStatus": "ENROLLED" }
Example: Get RAP post-purchase enrolled items response
{ "statusCode": 200, "payload": { "totalItems":30, "fetchedItems":30, "dateRange":"7DAYS",
"scrollId":"DXF1ZXJ5QW5kRmV0Y2gBbbbAAACUyUsWamJiNUxwcDJUU0dxbHBObmJvRUF2UQ==" "items": [{ "itemId": "100015777", "itemName": "View-Master Discovery Kids 3D Marine Life Toy Viewfinder Reel", "sales": 22, "currentReviews": 0, "impressions": 42341, "currentPageViews": 4242, "reviewsCollected": 0, "sku": "NK-WHT2XL", "itemStatus": "ENROLLED", "itemPriority": 3 },{ "itemId": "100059999", "itemName": "Strikeforce Men's Flyer Medium and Wide Width Bowling Shoe", "sales": 35, "currentReviews": 0, "impressions": 43543, "currentPageViews": 3523, "reviewsCollected": 0, "sku": "NK-WHT2WO", "itemStatus": "ENROLLED", "itemPriority": 7 }, ...] }

Step 3: Get COMPLETED RAP post-purchase items

On the same lines, you can use the Get RAP Post-purchase items with itemStatus: COMPLETE as a filter to get the items which have attained target reviews through the program.

Example: Get RAP post-purchase completed items request
{ "filter": { "itemStatus": "COMPLETE" }

Upon success, this API call returns at most 200 items along with a Scroll ID to fetch the subsequent set of results.

Step 4: Get subsequent RAP post-purchase items by Scroll ID

To fetch the next set of results using the Scroll ID as returned by the first Get RAP Post-purchase items API call. Below is a sample request with Scroll ID:


Upon success, it returns the next set of 200 items until no further results are available.

(Optional) Step 5: Filter RAP post-purchase items

You can filter the items from a specific category and in a specific price range through the Get RAP Post-purchase items API. TheitemStatus filter is mandatory. Whereas, dateRange, category, and price filter are optional. Instructions for Get categories API are included below. You can also filter the impressions, page views and sales of the items for 7, 14, and 30 days using the dateRange filter.

Example: Get RAP post-purchase items request with filters
{ "filter": { "itemStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "dateRange":"7DAYS", "category": [ "APPAREL", "HOME" ], "price": { "minimum": 10, "maximum": 100 } }

Upon success, this API call returns items from the “HOME” and “APPAREL” category within a price range of $10 to $100.

(Optional) Step 6: Sort RAP post-purchase items

You can sort the items on the basis of recommended item priority and item price. You can also specify a priority of the sorting fields.

Example: Get RAP post-purchase items request with sorting
{ "filter": { "itemStatus": "ELIGIBLE" }, "sort": [ { "field": "ITEM_PRIORITY", "order": "ASC", "priority": 1 }, { "field": "PRICE", "order": "DESC", "priority": 2 } ]

Upon success, this API call returns ELIGIBLE items in increasing order of item priority and decreasing order of price.

(Optional) Step 7: Search RAP post-purchase items

You can search the items with SKU ID and perform a wildcard search on item name.

Example: Get RAP Post-purchase items request with search on item name
{ "filter": { "itemStatus": "ELIGIBLE" }, "search": { "value": "kit", "field": "ITEM_NAME" }

Upon success, this API call returns ELIGIBLE items which have ‘kit’ in their item name.

Example: Get RAP post-purchase items request with search on SKU ID
{ "filter": { "itemStatus": "ELIGIBLE" }, "search": { "value": "NK-WHT2XL", "field": "SKU" }

Upon success, this API call returns ELIGIBLE items with the given SKU ID.


Note: This API is applicable for sellers who do not use the Shipping with Walmart as their fulfillment choice