Get fulfillment order status

The Walmart Multichannel Solution is an extension of Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS), uniquely placed to ensure quality, scale, and efficiency for a seller to grow a successful business. Walmart centralizes and manages the entire assortment of inventory, supply chain management, and fulfillment capabilities, while sellers can list and sell their items on multiple online platforms and storefronts.

Sellers onboarded on the Walmart Multichannel Solution initiative can use this API to get the order details such as ship node, status, order channel ID, and date of order creation. With order details, there are also order line details, which include status, shipping method, fulfillment type, etc. The API can respond with more information on multiple orders based on query parameters like order created date (startDate and endDate), status, shipNumber, and orderChannelId. If only the orderNumber filter is given in the query param, the details of that particular order are fetched.

The following is a sample successful response provided by the API.

{ "status": "OK", "header": { "headerAttributes": { "buId": "0", "martId": "202", "pageCount": 1, "totalCount": 1 } }, "payload": [ { "sellerOrderId": "ptrn20802", "orderType": "DOMESTIC", "status": "DELIVERED", "orderDate": "2022-12-31T21:57:51.176Z", "buyerInfo": { "primaryContact": { "name": { "firstName": "Sonja", "lastName": "Richard Babineaux" } } }, "shipments": [ { "status": "DELIVERED", "statusDescription": "Shipment Delivered", "purchaseOrderId": "2873667778063", "scac": "Fedex", "trackingNo": "626969279882", "externalTrackingURL": "", "shipmentNo": "db1e8da5-fa38-4074-a4d4-9f5da430d4dd", "actualShipmentDate": "2023-01-02T15:51:22.000Z", "packageASN": "55558952333141953386", "carrierDescription": "Fedex", "carrierServiceCode": "7610", "packageId": "55558952333141953386", "lastModified": "2023-01-05T19:38:27.950Z", "shipmentLines": [ { "shipmentLineNo": "7101212", "fulfillerLineId": "1", "quantity": { "unitOfMeasure": "EA", "measurementValue": 1 } } ], "shipmentDates": [ { "actualDate": "2023-01-02T15:51:22.000Z", "dateTypeId": "SHIPMENT", "expectedDate": "2023-01-02T18:45:00.000Z" }, { "dateTypeId": "OPD", "expectedDate": "2023-01-03T04:57:00.000Z" }, { "actualDate": "2023-01-05T19:29:00.000Z", "dateTypeId": "DELIVERY", "expectedDate": "2023-01-05T20:00:00.000Z" } ] } ], "orderLines": [ { "fulfillmentType": "DELIVERY", "lastModified": "2022-12-31T21:57:52.529Z", "shippingMethod": "STANDARD", "shippingTier": "TWO_DAY", "orderLineQuantityInfo": [ { "status": "PROCESSING", "statusDescription": "SUCCESSFULLY_SOURCED", "statusQuantity": { "unitOfMeasure": "EA", "measurementValue": 1 } } ], "orderProduct": { "productName": "London Fog - Missy Sb Double Collar - Black - Large" }, "orderedQty": { "unitOfMeasure": "EA", "measurementValue": 1 }, "shipToAddress": { "address": { "addressLineOne": "3657 Country Oaks Loop Unit D", "addressLineTwo": "D", "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL", "city": "Ontario", "countryCode": "US", "postalCode": "91761", "stateOrProvinceName": "CA", "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA" }, "name": { "completeName": "Sonja Richard Babineaux", "firstName": "Sonja", "lastName": "Richard Babineaux" } } } ] } ]

The following is a sample response provided by the API on failures.

{ "status": "FAIL", "errors": [ { "code": "ERR_EXT_DATA_0021001", "description": "The payload structure is not valid. Please correct the payload.", "info": "[Error [code=DATA, field=400.WSAAS.106, description=limit should be greater than 0 or less than equal to 50, info=Provided value is not allowed, severity=ERROR, category=REQUEST, causes=null]]", "severity": "ERROR", "category": "REQUEST" } ]

The description and info might change based on the error.