Generate a reconciliation report

Sellers and partners can look up available Marketplace reconciliation reports by date and generate those reports to download or consume JSON responses with the Reconciliation Report APIs.

Recon Report: This is the V1 recon report Endpoint, the latest version of the V1 report (latest implementation of V1 report)

Recon Report Legacy: This is the V0 recon report Endpoint, the earlier version (earlier implementation of V0 report)

  1. Call Get available recon report dates – generates a list of all available recon reports for download.
  2. Call Get Recon Report – specify the report date and download the report.

Step 1: Get a list of all available reconciliation report dates

To get a list of all available reconciliation reports, call Get available recon report dates API. For example:

Recon report


Recon report (Legacy)


Step 2: Generate the Reconciliation report

To get the reconciliation report, call Get Recon Report API and specify a date for the reportDate parameter. For example:

Recon report


Recon report (Legacy)


Step 3: Receive recon report

There are two ways to consume Recon Report.

1. Download CSV file
2. JSON response. JSON format is only supported for the Recon report, not the Recon report (legacy).

1. Receive CSV download file

Upon success, the API call to generate the report will stream the data with a CSV file with the field values.

Recon rile fields

Recon report

Period Start DatePeriod start dateString
Period End DatePeriod end dateString
Total PayableTotal payable amountString
Transaction KeyTransaction keyString
Transaction Posted TimestampSales: when the shipment confirmation was received
Refunds: when the return or refund was invoiced
Adjustments: when the adjustment was issued
Transaction TypeSALE: sale transaction REFUNDED: refund transaction ADJMNT: fees, corrections, and adjustments that appear as credits or debitsString
Transaction DescriptionTransaction descriptionString
Customer Order #Customer Order NumberString
Customer Order line #Item number within the orderString
Purchase Order #Purchase Order numberString
Purchase Order line #Item number within the Purchase OrderString
Amount TypeType of amountString
Ship QtyShipped quantityString
Commission RateReferral fee rate (%) on saleString
Transaction Reason DescriptionTransaction reason descriptionString
Partner Item IdPartner’s Item IDString
Partner GTINPartner’s GTIN #String
Partner Item NamePartner’s item nameString
Product Tax CodeItem’s tax code, used to calculate sales tax on itemString
Ship to State   2-letter code of the state where the order was shipped; Sales transactions only       String
Ship to CityThe city where the order was shipped. Sales transactions only.String
Ship to ZipcodeZip-code where the order was shippedString
Contract CategoryContract Category for the item soldString
Product TypeProduct Type for the item soldString
Commission RuleCommission rule IDString
Shipping MethodThe payment method used on the saleString
Fulfillment TypeWalmart Fulfilled (WFS) or Seller FulfilledString
Campaign IdCampaign Name for Walmart Connect sellersString

Recon Report (Legacy)

NameDescriptionType Order #Walmart Order NumberString Order Line #Item number within the orderString PO #Purchase Order numberString P.O. Line #Item number within the Purchase OrderString
Partner Order #Partner Order NumberString
Transaction TypeSALE: sale transaction REFUNDED: refund transaction ADJMNT: fees, corrections, and adjustments that appear as credits or debitsString
Transaction Date TimeSales: when the shipment confirmation was received
Refunds: when the return or refund was invoiced
Adjustments: when the adjustment was issued
Shipped QtyShipped quantityString
Partner Item IDPartner’s Item IDString
Partner GTINPartner’s GTIN #String
Partner Item namePartner’s item nameString
Product tax codeItem’s tax code, used to calculate sales tax on itemString
Shipping tax codeItem’s tax code, used to calculate sales tax on shipping (currently empty)String
Gift wrap tax codeItem’s tax code, used to calculate sales tax on gift wrap (currently empty)String
Ship to state2-letter code of the state where the order was shipped; Sales transactions onlyString
Ship to countyCode of county where the item was shipped (currently empty)String
County CodeCode of city where the item was shipped (currently empty)String
Ship to cityThe city where the order was shipped; Sales transactions onlyString
Zip codeZip-code where the order was shippedString
shipping_methodThe payment method used on the saleString
Total tender to or from customerTotal amount received from/refunded to customer on sale or refundString
Payable to Partner from SaleThe total amount paid to/recouped from a partner on sale or refundString
Commission from SaleReferral fee paid to/recouped from Walmart on sale/refundString
Commission RateReferral fee rate (%) on sale.String
Gross Sales RevenueItem price + shipping charge on sale; total amount subject to referral feeString
Refunded Retail SalesRefunded item price + shipping charge; refunds onlyString
Sales refund for EscalationThis column has been retired and merged into col #26 (Refunded Retail Sales)String
Gross Shipping RevenueShipping charge on saleString
Gross Shipping RefundedShipping amount refundedString
Shipping refund for EscalationThis column has been retired and merged into col #29 (Gross Shipping Refunded)String
Net Shipping RevenueThe sum of shipping revenue on sales and refunds (col #28 + #29)String
Gross Fee RevenueProduct fee collected from customers on saleString
Gross Fee RefundedAmount of product fee refundedString
Fee refund for EscalationThis column has been retired and merged into col #33String
Net Fee RevenueThe sum of fee revenue on sales and refunds (col #32 + #33)String
Gift Wrap QuantityGift-Wrap quantityString
Gross Gift-Wrap RevenueGift-wrap charges collected from the customerString
Gross Gift-Wrap RefundedRefunded amount on Gift-Wrap chargesString
Gift wrap refund for EscalationThis column has been retired and merged into col #38String
Net Gift Wrap RevenueThe sum of gift-wrap revenue on sales and refunds (col #37 + #38)String
Tax on Sales RevenueSales tax amount on item priceString
Tax on Shipping RevenueSales tax amount on shipping chargeString
Tax on Gift-Wrap RevenueSales tax amount on Gift-Wrap feeString
Tax on Fee RevenueSales tax amount on Product FeeString
Effective tax rateSales tax rateString
Tax on Refunded SalesRefunded tax amount on item priceString
Tax on Shipping RefundRefunded tax amount on shipping chargeString
Tax on Gift-Wrap RefundRefunded tax amount on Gift-Wrap chargeString
Tax on Fee RefundRefunded tax amount on Product FeeString
Tax on Sales refund for EscalationThis column has been retired and merged into col #46String
Tax on Shipping Refund for EscalationThis column has been retired and merged into col #47String
Tax on Gift-Wrap Refund for escalationThis column has been retired and merged into col #48String
Tax on Fee Refund for escalationThis column has been retired and merged into col #49String
Total NET Tax CollectedFor sales: sum of cols #41-#44; Refunds: sum of cols #46-#49String
Tax WithheldY: sales tax withheld by Walmart; N: sales tax included in payment (col #22)String
Adjustment DescriptionReturn/refund or adjustment descriptionString
Adjustment CodeReturn/refund or adjustment codeString
Original Item pricePartner’s original item price before CAP program adjustmentString
Original Commission AmountReferral fee amount before CAP program adjustmentString
Spec CategoryCategory provided by seller during ingestionString
Contract CategoryContract Category for the item soldString
Product TypeProduct Type for the item soldString
Flex Commission RuleDynamic commission rule ID (when applicable)String
Return Reason CodeThe customer given reason associated with the refund or returnString
Return Reason DescriptionThe customer given reason code associated with the refund or returnString
Fee Withheld FlagY: product fee withheld by Walmart; N: product fee included in payment (col #22)String
Fulfillment TypeWalmart Fulfilled(WFS) or Seller Fulfilled  String

2. Receive JSON response for recon report:

Upon success, the API call to generate the report will generate a JSON response with the field values.

API will return a JSON response by converting each row in CSV into a record. The reconFileJSON API needs the following parameters:
1. reportDate: Date of the settlement report
2. offset: starting number of the bytes. The initial value for the offset is zero
3. noOfRecords: number of rows in the CSV file

The response contains the following fields:
1. reportData: the content of the CSV file in the list format. Each element in the list represents the row in the CSV file
2. nextOffset: this field will be used in subsequent calls to fetch the next set of records
3. totalRecords: records returned in the current response
4. description: total number of lines in the file


{ "reportData": [ { "Period Start Date": "12/11/2025", "Period End Date": "12/19/2025", "Currency": "USD", "Transaction Type": "PaymentSummary", "Total Payable": "0.74", "Transaction Description": "Deposited in account", "Transaction Posted Timestamp": "01/02/2025" }, { "Shipping Method": "Marketplace value", "Partner Item Name": "MTV Mens Kanji Throwback 90s Logo Short Sleeve Graphic T-shirt With Music Television up to Size 3XL", "Customer Order line #": "1", "Contract Category": "Apparel & Accessories", "Transaction Description": "Purchase", "Product Tax Code": "100", "Period Start Date": "\"\"", "Ship to Zipcode": "72412", "Ship to City": "Bentonville", "Transaction Key": "2020_12_19_317", "Transaction Posted Timestamp": "12/18/2020", "Ship Qty": "1", "Amount": "14.98", "Transaction Type": "Sale", "Partner GTIN": "05705584961234", "Ship to State": "AR", "Amount Type": "Product Price", "Fulfillment Type": "Seller Fulfilled", "Customer Order #": "482478247824", "Purchase Order #": "42847284742", "Product Type": "Bag Clips", "Partner Item Id": "sku-123", "Purchase Order line #": "1" } ], "nextOffset": 973, "totalRecords": 1, "description": "Number of Lines in file 479 "