Generate a payment statement report
Sellers can generate a payment statement report and obtain information about the current cycle outstanding balances and transaction details.
The Payments Statement API uses the GET method to obtain payment information. The following sections summarize the method (parameter, headers, and responses) and requested payment information.
Authorization: String (required). Partner secret retrieved in integration step 2.
WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN: String (required). Access token retrieved by Access Token Call.
Content-Type: String (required). Supported media (such as application/json).
WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID: String (required). Unique ID identifying each API call.
WM_SVC.NAME: String (required). Walmart Service Name.
- 200 Successful operation: String array containing all available report dates is returned.
API information
The Payment Statement API generates a report containing the following data retrieved from Walmart payment data stores:
sellerInfo | Seller information, including storefront URL, seller status, and payment status (e.g., ACTIVE). |
accountSummary | Account summary information, including opening balance and order activity. |
transactionDetails | Transaction details, including aggregated product price and net payable. |
refundDetails | Refund details, including refund-related product price and net payable. |
adjustmentAggregate | Adjustment information, including service fees like Walmart Fulfillment Services fee and preparation service fee. |
partnerTxns | Partner tax information. |
Updated about 1 month ago