Find categories with Listing Quality issues
To locate all item categories that currently have items with Listing Quality issues, use the GET Categories with Listing Quality Issues API.
As a seller, you can use this API to identify which items have problems with your listings so that you can fix the issues and increase sales with better-quality listings.
Step 1: Call GET categories with listing quality issues API
Call the API /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/count
You can find the number of items within each category that has Listing Quality issues.
Step 2: (Optional) request trending items or WFS items
You can specify query parameters to include or not include items that are top trending items, WFS-eligible items (for sellers that participate with Walmart Fulfillment Services), or items that have listing-quality issues.
To get these listing-quality details, use the viewTrendingItems, wfsFlag query parameters set to “true” and hasIssue set to “1”. Similarly, to exclude these items from the categories returned with issues, set the hasIssue query parameter to “0”.
For example, to include top trending items, call:
Note: The
parameter only pertains to sellers that participate in Walmart Fulfillment Services and have published their items for distribution with WFS
You can also look up items that are top-trending items, Walmart Best Sellers, go to Assortment Growth in the Seller Center.
Step 3: View the response content
After you call the Categories with Listing Quality Issues API, the response returns the following information:
- category : Specifies the main category name.
- offerCount: Specifies the number of items with issues within this category.
- productType: Specifies a sub-category of product within the main category.
- productTypeName: Specifies the product name within the product type.
For example, if you have issues with your items in the Furniture category, a response would return the total number of items with issues specified by offerCount
(e.g. 47,000). It also provides issue counts for product types within that category (for example, Table).
"category": "Furniture", "offerCount": 47000, "productType": \[ { "productTypeName": "Table", "offerCount": 20000 }
To learn more about Listing Quality issues, go to this Marketplace Learn article.
To get a list of hints to help you fix these content issues with your item listings, go to the Content and Discoverability section in this Marketplace Learn article.
Updated about 1 month ago