Feed status notification

Feed status notifications are sent when feed submissions finish processing and reach either the PROCESSED or ERROR terminal states. Solution providers must access the FEEDS resource to subscribe to this notification.


Resource Name: FEEDS

Event Trigger: Notification when a feed is successfully processed or results in an error

Event Version: V1

Feed status notification sample payload

{ "source": { "eventId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "eventTime": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ", "eventType": "FEED_STATUS" }, "payload": { "feedId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@XXXXXXX", "feedStatus": "PROCESSED", "feedSubmissionDate": 0, "feedType": "MP_ITEM", "itemsFailed": 0, "itemsProcessing": 0, "itemsReceived": 2, "itemsSucceeded": 2 }