Feed status API for tracking fitment files

The Feed Item Status API  allows you to track the status of the FITMENT_ACES and FITMENT_PIES feed uploads.

Feed statuses

A Feed can have one of the following statuses:

  • ERROR: File is either REJECTED due to File validation failed or file has FAILED due to File not processed, or due to some issues while unzipping, format of error, etc.
  • INPROGRESS: File either APPROVED as File is accepted; File is ACCEPTED as File accepted for processing of individual records; PROCESSING: File processing in progress.
  • PROCESSED: File has been processed successfully without any issues; File processed, however few records in the file had some issues which are marked as errors and can be downloaded using ERROR DOWNLOAD API

Recommended calling interval

If a request returns a Feed status of PROCESSING, you should continue calling until a different status is retrieved. The recommended calling intervals for Item is 15 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, and every 4 hours.

Ingestion statuses

The ingestion statuses are set at a file level.

  • FITMENT_ERROR_001: There is an issue processing the zip file; either the zip file is empty or corrupted. Please fix the zip file and try again. Visit our knowledge base article for more information.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_002: There is an issue processing the zip file as there is no XML ACES file found in the zip file. Please zip an XML ACES file for upload and try again. Visit our knowledge base article for more information.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_003: The XML file cannot be processed as it is missing the Brand AAIA ID. Please include the Brand AAIA ID in XML and try again.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_004: There is an issue processing the zip file as there is no XML PIES file found in the zip file. Please zip an XML PIES file and try again. Visit our knowledge base article for more information.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_005: The XML file cannot be processed as it has multiple Brand AAIA IDs. Please include only one Brand AAIA ID in one XML and try again.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_006: There is an issue processing the excel file; the excel header format is incorrect. Please upload an excel with the correct header format. Visit our knowledge base article: article for more information.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_007: There is an issue processing the excel file; the excel contains a cell(s) with formula. Please upload an excel having no cell(s) with formula. Visit our knowledge base article: article for more information.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_008: There is an issue processing the excel file; the excel contains a cell(s) with new line character. Please upload an excel having no cell(s) with new line character. Visit our knowledge base article: article for more information.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_009: An internal system error occurred during file processing. Please try again after sometime.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_010: There is an issue processing the file as the upload request is missing a file. Please add a file to your upload request and try again. Visit our knowledge base article for more information.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_011: There is an issue processing the file as the upload request is the ingestion type (ACES or PIES). Please add the ingestion type to your upload request and try again. Visit our knowledge base article for more information.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_012:There is an issue processing the file as the upload file is missing file name. Please add a file name to your upload request and try again. Visit our knowledge base article for more information.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_013: There is an issue processing the file as the upload file name is not in the .zip format. Please provide a file name that ends with .zip and try again. Visit our knowledge base article for more information.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_014: An internal system error occurred as the file upload request has missing User ID.
  • FITMENT_ERROR_015: An internal system error occurred as the file upload request has missing User Name.