Buy Box changed event

This event occurs when the Buy Box winner or Buy Box winning price on the seller’s published items changes if there is at least one offer on the item.

When the event occurs, the seller will receive the response payload on the destination URL, as given in the samples.

  • Event Type: BUY_BOX_CHANGED
  • Event Version: V1
  • Resource Name: PRICE

Response parameters

 sourceEvent Meta informationObject
eventTypeEvent for which the notification is receivedString
eventTimeTime at which the event occursString
eventIdUnique ID of the eventString
 payloadEvent detailsObject
partnerIdSeller’s Partner IDString
 itemInfoItem informationObject
itemIdA unique ID which identifies the itemString
itemNameName of the itemString
categoryCategory of the itemString
productTypeProduct type of the itemString
brandBrand of the itemString
skuA unique ID which identifies the itemString
totalNumberOfOffersNumber of offers on the item from all sellersInteger
 offerOffer informationObject
 currentOfferSeller’s current offer informationObject
sellerNameSeller’s nameString
sellerOfferPriceSeller’s offer price on the itemDouble
sellerShippingSpeedSeller’s shipping speed on the itemString
sellerShippingPriceSeller’s shipping price on the itemDouble
 winningOfferBuy box winning offer informationObject
sellerNameBuy box winning seller’s nameString
sellerOfferPriceBuy box winning seller’s offer price on the itemDouble
sellerShippingSpeedBuy box winning seller’s shipping speed on the itemString
sellerShippingPriceBuy box winning seller’s shipping price on the itemDouble
priceDifferenceDifference of seller’s offer price with buy box winning offer price on the itemDouble

Sample payload: Buy Box changed

{ "source": { "eventType": "BUY_BOX_CHANGED", "eventTime": "2020-07-03T14:12:42.913Z", "eventId": "42c2b910-bd37-11ea-89f1-4f3bd9e0e3af" }, "payload": { "partnerId": "12300001205", "itemInfo": { "itemId": "50655131", "itemName": "Sizzix SBarnard Thinlits Die Drop In Thank You", "category": "Crafts", "productType": "Die-Cut Cartridges", "brand": "Sizzix", "sku": "NMG300868", "totalNumberOfOffers": 33 }, "offer": { "currentOffer": { "sellerName": "CB&WS goods", "sellerOfferPrice": 13.03, "sellerShippingSpeed": "STANDARD", "sellerShippingPrice": 8.99 }, "winningOffer": { "sellerName": "Save you Stores", "sellerOfferPrice": 16.25, "sellerShippingSpeed": "EXPEDITED", "sellerShippingPrice": 0 }, "priceDifference": -3.22 } }