February 28, 2025 release

APIChange TypeRelease DateDescription
US Marketplace InsightsRemoved02/27/2025REMOVED the optional property payload/items/gmv from the response with the 200 status in the endpoint POST /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/items
US Marketplace InsightsRemoved02/27/2025REMOVED the optional property payload/items/isCustomerFavorites from the response with the 200 status in the endpoint POST /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/items
US Marketplace InsightsRemoved02/27/2025REMOVED the optional property payload/items/isFastAndFreeShipping from the response with the 200 status in the endpoint POST /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/items
US Marketplace InsightsRemoved02/27/2025REMOVED the optional property payload/items/isInStock from the response with the 200 status in the endpoint POST /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/items
US Marketplace InsightsRemoved02/27/2025REMOVED the optional property payload/items/last30DaysConversionRate from the response with the 200 status in the endpoint POST /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/items
US Marketplace InsightsRemoved02/27/2025REMOVED the optional property payload/items/last30DaysPageViews from the response with the 200 status in the endpoint POST /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/items
US Marketplace InsightsRemoved02/27/2025REMOVED the optional property payload/items/scoreDetails/offer/shippingSpeed/totalIssue from the response with the 200 status in the endpoint POST /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/items
US Marketplace InsightsRemoved02/27/2025REMOVED the optional property payload/score/competitivePriceScore from the response with the 200 status in the endpoint GET /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/score
US Marketplace InsightsRemoved02/27/2025REMOVED the optional property payload/score/shippingScore from the response with the 200 status in the endpoint GET /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/score
US Marketplace InsightsRemoved02/27/2025REMOVED the optional property payload/score/transactibilityScore from the response with the 200 status in the endpoint GET /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/score