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Report Status

Report status notifications are triggered when the report requested by the supplier with the Create report request request (POST /v3/reports/reportRequest) moves to READY status and is available to download.

  • Event Type: REPORT_STATUS
  • Event Trigger: A report requested by a supplier has completed its generation process
  • Event Version : V1
  • Resource Name: REPORTS

When the report status notification event occurs, the supplier will receive the Notification Payload in the defined destination URL. See the samples provided for more information.

Sample Payload 1: Report Status Event

The following is a sample webhook payload for a REPORT_STATUS event:

{ source: { eventType: "REPORT_STATUS_SUPPLIER", eventTime: "2023-07-03T14:12:42.913Z", eventId: "03d34580-61d4-11ea-9e23-cd38810ff7cd" }, payload: { vendorId: "651263", channelType: "f3531b03-4023-46c3-b5a0-e36877fa4b40", requestId: "6da7357b-1c3b-4c1d-9685-ca2931eb96b4", requestStatus: "READY", requestSubmissionDate: "2023-12-10T07:08:35.393Z", reportGenerationDate: "2023-12-10T07:21:34.473Z", reportType: "INVENTORY_DSV" }

Sample Payload 2: Report Status Event - Error

The following is a sample webhook payload for a REPORT_STATUS event in an error state:

{ source: { eventType: "REPORT_STATUS_SUPPLIER", eventTime: "2023-07-03T14:12:42.913Z", eventId: "e435c380-fbe6-11ea-bc39-c314c32822dc" }, payload: { vendorId: "651263", channelType: "d62e611e-606e-41b9-96cf-38ee37331c47", requestId: "f3531b03-4023-46c3-b5a0-e36877fa4b40", requestStatus: "ERROR", requestSubmissionDate: "2023-12-10T07:08:35.393Z", reportGenerationDate: "2023-12-10T07:21:34.473Z", reportType: "INVENTORY_DSV", errorDescription: "Your report request has resulted in error. Please try creating a new request." }
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!