Understanding Statuses Available for Feeds

Asynchronous (async) status requests, such as feed file submissions, return the status of the feed and the status of all records (such as items) in the feed.

Statuses are provided at two distinct levels:

Feed Level: Indicates the status of Walmart's processing of the feed file and all records submitted in the file

Note: This does not indicate if the records in the feed have been successfully processed.

Record Ingestion Status: Indicates the status of each record (such as an item) submitted in the feed file

Statuses Available: Feed Level

Feed StatusDefinitionEnd State?
RECEIVEDWalmart has successfully received the request, but the processing has not yet started for the records.No
INPROGRESSThe feed has begun processing but is not yet complete.
For example, one or more records are still being processed and are not in an end state.
PROCESSEDThe complete feed has been completed or processed. All records have been processed and are in an end state.Yes
ERRORThere has been an error when processing the feed file. No records in the file have been processed.
Check the error message and the ingestion status for more details about the error and possible corrections. The feed file can be resubmitted later as a new feed file request.

If the entire feed is in an error state, then the response will indicate the error in the ingestionErrors object is shown at the feed level.


{ "feedId": "FE974CF4DF0249CC8024CF5E0542B547@AV0BBgA", "feedStatus": "ERROR", "ingestionErrors": { "ingestionError": [ { "type": "DATA_ERROR", "code": "ERR_EXT_DATA_05XXXXXXX", "field": "", "description": "Not a valid file extension." } ] }

Statuses Available: Record Ingestion Status

Each feed contains one or more records submitted as part of the feed. The feed item response includes two different ways to represent the status of items submitted in the feed.

These mechanisms are:

  • Aggregated Record Counts: Shows the aggregated count of all records submitted in a feed for a specific status
  • Specific Record Status: Provides the detailed status of each record submitted in the feed by its primary identifier

Aggregate Record Counts

By default, the aggregated record counts are found in the GET Feed Status and GET Feed Item Status requests.

The available counts are:

The four fields that have this data are shown in the following example:

{ "feedId": "E7EF0C913C874F849DE0D6F59E329A85@AXQBAwA", "feedStatus": "PROCESSED", "feedSubmissionDate": 1681748486856, "itemsReceived": 17, "itemsSucceeded": 8, "itemsFailed": 2, "itemsInReview": 2, "itemsProcessing": 5
Record Ingestion StatusDefinitionItem is in an End State?
itemsReceivedThe total number of records that were submitted.N/A
itemsProcessingThe records that are still processing.No
itemsSucceededThe record ingestion is complete, and Walmart systems have made the update.Yes
itemsFailedThe number of records where ingestions have failed.Yes
itemsInReviewThe number of records in the feed that are pending review.Yes

Specific Record Status

The status of each record submitted in a feed is not returned by default but can be found in the GET Feed Item Status request if the user includes the query parameter.includeDetails (set to true). This will appear in the object itemDetails.

Example of searching for a feedId to include record details:


Note: A record details request will only return the first 50 records. Use pagination to see the remainder.

Each record can be identified by its stock keeping unit (SKU) or other relevant product identifiers (productIdentifiers) found in the itemDetails object. The status will be defined in the field ingestionStatus.

Available Record Ingestion Statuses

Available Record Ingestion

INPROGRESSThe ingestion is not complete.
SUCCESSThe record was ingested successfully.
IN_REVIEWThe record is pending review.
DATA_ERRORThere is either a malformed error or system data is missing. If the file passes validation against the relevant feed file schema definition (XSD or JSON) and the error persists, contact Walmart Partner Support.
SYSTEM_ERRORA downstream Walmart system returned an error to an attempted operation during ingestion. If this error occurs, wait one hour and try again. If the error persists, contact Walmart Partner Support.
TIMEOUT_ERRORA downstream Walmart system is not available during ingestion. If this error occurs, wait one hour and try again. If the error persists, contact Walmart Partner Support.

Example of an Item Details response with multiple errors:

{ "itemDetails": { "itemIngestionStatus": [ { "sku": "06880074421635", "productIdentifiers": { "productIdentifier": [ { "productIdType": "GTIN", "productId": "06880074421635" } ] }, "ingestionStatus": "DATA_ERROR", "ingestionErrors": { "ingestionError": [ { "type": "DATA_ERROR", "code": "ERR_EXT_DATA_15010106", "field": "productName", "description": "Validation Error: Missing Mandatory attribute Product Name." }, { "type": "DATA_ERROR", "code": "ERR_EXT_DATA_15010106", "field": "supplierId", "description": "Validation Error: Missing Mandatory attribute Supplier ID." }, { "type": "DATA_ERROR", "code": "ERR_EXT_DATA_01011110", "field": "itemTypeCode", "description": "A system error occurred due to undefined data error. Contact Walmart Partner support at https://supplierhelp.walmart.com/s/." } ] } } ] }