Test 1P Supplier APIs
Start testing your 1P Supplier APIs.
This example uses the Upload Feed Files API to make a sample call.
Step 1: Get an access token
Exchange your client ID and client secret for an access token.
Step 2: Call the API
Use your access token to upload feed files.
curl -X POST "https://api-gateway.walmart.com/v3/feeds?feedType=OMNI_DSV_ITEM" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN: <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ -F "file=@c:\input\feedfiles\OMNI_DSV_Item23456.json"
import requests url = "https://api-gateway.walmart.com/v3/feeds?feedType=OMNI_DSV_ITEM"
headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN": "<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" # For production, also include: # "WM_SVC.NAME": "Walmart Marketplace", # "WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID": "<UNIQUE_ID>", # "WM_SEC.TIMESTAMP": "<EPOCH_TIMESTAMP>", # "WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE": "<GENERATED_SIGNATURE>",
} # Point to your local JSON feed file
feed_file_path = r"c:\input\feedfiles\OMNI_DSV_Item23456.json" with open(feed_file_path, "rb") as f: files = { "file": ("OMNI_DSV_Item23456.json", f, "application/json") } response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, files=files) print("Status Code:", response.status_code) print("Response Body:", response.text)
Modify your code
- Replace
with the access token you obtained after running Step 1. - Replace
with a unique identifier to track the request. - Update the file path (such as c:\input\feedfiles\OMNI_DSV_Item23456.json) to point to your actual feed file.
- Ensure the feed file follows the correct schema for the
feed type.
Sample response
{ "feedId": "2D4DB32BC1174C7491720C9EBEB56163@AQMBAAA"
Next steps
Go live by creating your app in the production environment.
See also
Learn about 1P Supplier feed and on-request validations
Updated about 1 month ago