Rate Limiting

Overview of Rate Limiting

Walmart sets rate limits for each 1P Supplier API. This article details the set rate limits, how to understand usage, and what will occur if rate limits are exceeded.

Exceeding Rate Limits

If rate limits are exceeded, the user's API calls will be returned with the following error:

429: Too Many Requests

How to Understand Current Usage: API Response Headers

The 1P Supplier APIs will return the supplier's current usage in the response headers. Use the following response headers:

X-Current-Token-CountCurrent token count, or the number of requests allowed in the current window.
X-Next-Replenishment-TimeThe time the current window ends and the throttling count is reset.

API Call Allotment Replenishment

The hourly and daily ASYNC and SYNC API calls are throttled. However, the limits are replenished gradually. The allotment increases every few minutes for hourly limits, so the full hourly limits are available after the hour. Daily limits are similarly replenished every few hours.

Example: If 20 calls are available every hour, one call will be available every three minutes after all the calls have been consumed. Use the header values to access higher API call allotments.