POST Maintain Items in Bulk: How to Make Bulk Item Submissions and Track Status

Follow the standard feed file process to submit items for item setup and maintenance using bulk submission. For more about feed file process, see the Feed Updates article.

  1. Send an item feed to Walmart by calling POST Bulk Item Setup with the appropriate feed file attached. This API call is the starting point of the item setup or publishing process for each item in the feed file. This call returns the feedId. Use the feedId to monitor items that are being ingested.
  2. Monitor the status of the feed and all items submitted in the feed. The GET Feed Status and GET Feed Item Status API calls include all details about the feed status. Once the feed has a status of PROCESSED (in other words, the feed is complete), all of the items have either been submitted or have submission errors.
    Note: Not all items submitted at the same time will complete processing at the same time. Some items may be completely processed while other items continue to be processed by Walmart systems.
  3. Step 2 may return errors on individual items. Examine the errors that are returned, check the feed file submitted against the schema definition, and correct errors. If the errors still persist, contact Partner Support.

Once the submission is complete and processed, the item will be in Walmart’s catalog.