POST Item Setup and Maintenance by Product Type: Additional Notes on Feed File Structure

The POST Bulk Item Setup and Maintenance by Product Type feed files have several enhancements so users can better understand the content in the files.

Conditional Requirements

Conditionally required attributes are identified and defined in standard JSON draft v7 format.

Example 1: Conditionally required when an attribute is present

 "allOf": [{ "if": { "required": [ "sellingChannel"]}, "then": { "required": [ "makeup_shade"]}],

Example 2: Conditionally required when an attribute has a specific value provided

"allOf": [ {"if": { "properties": { "sv_promotion": { "type":"string", "enum":[ "10% Off", "20% Off", "30% Off"]}}}, "then": { "required": [ "science_model_and_kit_type"]}}

Date-Time Format

All included date-time attributes must be submitted in ISO 8601 format. Date-time attributes will be rejected if they are not submitted in the required format.

Example: 2023-03-24T00:00:00.000Z

Walmart-Specific Annotation

The Comments attribute metadata field in the feed files contains several Walmart custom annotations for organization and additional guidance to align with the Walmart item style guides.

@groupAttribute group Walmart uses to organize attributes for the user experience in the Item 360 web app and bulk spreadsheet uploadRecommended to create a variant experience on
@recommendedEntryRecommended number of entries for a multi-select attribute to get an optimal content quality score (for example, secondary images)5
@minWordCountMinimum number of words manually validated against by the Walmart Ops team50
@recommendedWordCountRecommended number of words for an optimal content quality score100

Image Specifications

The feed file includes several attributes (Main Image URL, Secondary Image URL, and Swatch Image URL), and suppliers are expected to include the URL to an image in the feed file. Images should have a minimum resolution of 1500×1500. Learn more about Walmart's image specifications here.


Attribute Definitions (Guidance)

The definition contains all annotations and instructions to guide you while you complete the feed file. The JSON draft v7 standard fields will be used for validation.

Changes From Item Management by Category to Product Type

Previously, Walmart item management occurred at the category level. However, Walmart's transition to item setup and maintenance by product type has resulted in multiple changes made to the feed files and processes.

Key changes include:

Item Management by Category (Legacy)Item Setup and Maintenance by Product Type (Current)
Format SupportedXML basedJSON draft v7
Feed FileSingle feed file for setup and maintenanceSeparate feed files for setup and maintenance
Product TaxonomyCategory based (80 categories)Product type based (6,500+ product types)
Attribute Requirements Vary by Item CategorizationNoYes
Attribute Acceptable Values Vary by Item CategorizationNoYes
Multiple Entries Required for Specific AttributesNoYes
UpdatesLimited supply chain updatesAll supply chain updates
Item Primary Identifier for SetupStock keeping unit (SKU)Global trade item number (GTIN)
Item Primary Identifier for MaintenanceStock keeping unit (SKU)Product content: global trade item number (GTIN)
Maintenance: Walmart Item Number (WIN) and global trade item number (GTIN)
Ability to Submit Any Unstructured AttributesYes (additionalProductAttributes)No. Each product type now includes all of the relevant attributes, so users no longer need the ability to submit additional attributes

Additional changes include:

  • Item setup and maintenance by product type support all 1P supplier use cases, including store item setup and all new compliance attributes.
  • Data asked for in the Item 360 web app now aligns with Item Management API feed files.

Attribute changes include:

  • Specify product attribute requirement levels and enum values at the product type level for better customer experience
  • Improve data definitions with updated attribute names for easier implementation
  • Increase variant grouping options to organize products in the site navigation and increase buyer visibility
  • Identify attributes as conditionally required in the schema to reduce errors