Item Management API: Releases

February 2025

Walmart is launching new versions for the Item Management Setup and Maintenance API calls in February 2025. These new versions include updates for product types, attributes, and values across all item setup and maintenance feed files to align with the Supplier One user interface.

In addition to updated taxonomy values, the following functionality has been added:

  • Preorder enabled Item Setup: Suppliers can now set up preorders for items in POST /v4/feeds/items using attributes IsPreorder, releaseDate and startDate in the Orderable section of the schema.

These features are included in the item setup and maintenance feed files, providing suppliers with powerful tools to enhance item configurations.

June 2024

Walmart is launching new functionality for the Item Management API calls in June 2024. These updates include new functionality and alignment with Supplier One, to include:

  • Store Item Setup Available Through API: Walmart now provides suppliers the ability to set up items being sold in Walmart stores using the new item setup feed type OMNI_OWNED_ITEM. This feed type can be used to set up any items that are sold and shipped to Walmart, whether they are sold at a Walmart-owned store or at a store and on eCommerce.
  • Update Item Setup and Maintenance Feed Type Versions: Walmart has released updated versions for all product type item setup and maintenance feed types. Key changes include:
    • Supporting Used/Refurbished Item Setup: During item setup, suppliers will now have the option to define an item’s condition and set up items for sale that are used or refurbished.
    • Removal of Attributes for Maintenance: Suppliers can no longer edit the following key attributes:
      • Orderable Data Model: The start and end dates are no longer editable by suppliers. Contact the merchant to edit.
      • Visible/Product Type: All variant group maintenance. Use Supplier One if you want to maintain variant groups.
      • Supply Chain: The Walmart department number and information provider global location number (GLN) are no longer editable by suppliers. Contact the merchant to edit, or update in GS1 connection.

Updated Schema Files and What Has Changed

All new feed file schemas are available in Walmart’s feed file section. Walmart now provides a differences report for all changes made between the two versions of the feed file. This differences report includes:

  • All data objects added/removed
  • All attributes added/removed
  • Every attribute’s metadata change (requirement level, data type, enum lists, minimum length, maximum length, precision, if the attribute is an enum or string, and if the attribute is an array or not)