Invoices Overview

Welcome to Walmart’s Supplier Invoice and Payment Status API documentation! This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how suppliers can seamlessly access critical information about the invoices they’ve sent to Walmart. With this API, suppliers can track their financial transactions with Walmart, enabling greater visibility and efficiency in managing their accounts.

Key Features of these APIs

  • Invoice Retrieval: Access detailed information about invoices sent to Walmart, including invoice numbers, amounts, and dates.
  • Payment Status: Real-time status of payments (e.g., paid, unpaid, or pending).
  • Payment Details: Specifics about payments, including check numbers, payment dates, and any associated deductions or credits.
  • Deductions and Credits: Insights into adjustments applied to invoices,
    including reasons and amounts.


  • Transparency: Provides a clear invoice statuses and payment details for up to the past year.
  • Efficiency: Saves time by automating invoice tracking and payment reconciliation processes.
  • Integration Ready: Easily integrate the API into your internal systems for streamlined financial management.

Invoices Report

All Invoices can be accessed using Walmart’s On Request Reporting Platform API’s by accessing the Invoices Report. Learn more here On Request Reporting Guide about the platform and associated workflows.
The Invoices Report contains all Invoices that a supplier has sent to Walmart via EDI in the past year. By default, the report will only return the past 90 days of invoices sent.

The Primary Key for this report is the invoice number. This means each row in the report is a unique invoice.

This report is not in real time. It will take 24 hours for any updates made by suppliers or Walmart to appear in the report.

Invoices Report Information

Key report information includes the following:

  • Report Name: INVOICES
  • Versions Available: 1
  • Report Primary Key(s): Item, Store, Distributor
  • Report Data Refreshed: Every 24 hours (4 AM CT) reflecting previous days changes
  • Supports Filters Applied to Report: Yes (details below)
Attributes included in the reportVendor Number, Vendor Name, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Invoice Status, Store Number, PO Number, Due Date, Total Invoice Amount, Discount Amount, Net Invoice Amount, Post Due, Document Number, Control Number, Check Number, Check Date, Check Amount, Reason Code, Reason Descriptions
Supports defining attributes included in the report?No; attributes in this report will not vary and will always stay consistent/ the same
Value FiltersInvoice Status (PAID, UNPAID)`
Date Range FiltersInvoice Date