Event: Report Status Notification

Report status notifications are triggered when the report requested by the supplier with the create report request (POST /v3/reports/reportRequest) moves to READY status and is available to download.

Event Trigger: A report requested by a supplier has completed its generation process
Event Version : V1
Resource Name: REPORTS

When the report status notification event occurs, the supplier will receive the Notification Payload in the defined destination URL. See the samples provided for more information.

Event Notification Payload Parameters

partnerIdSpecifies the supplier vendor identifier.String
requestIdSpecifies the identifier for the report generation that the supplier received when initially requesting the event.String
requestStatusSpecifies the status of the report generation request. There are two possible values: READY or ERROR.String
requestSubmissionDateSpecifies the time at which the supplier initially requested the report.String
reportGenerationDateSpecifies the time at which the report completed generation.String
reportTypeSpecifies the type of report.String
reportVersionSpecifies the version of the report.String
errorDescriptionSpecifies the error description. This is only present if requestStatus has the value of ERROR.String

Sample Payload 1: Report Status Event

{"source": {"eventType": "REPORT_STATUS", "eventTime": "2023-07-03T14:12:42.913Z", "eventId": "03d34580-61d4-11ea-9e23-cd38810ff7cd" },
"payload": { "partnerId": "651263",
"requestId": "6da7357b-1c3b-4c1d-9685-ca2931eb96b4",
"requestStatus": "READY",
"requestSubmissionDate": "2023-12-10T07:08:35.393Z",
"reportGenerationDate": "2023-12-10T07:21:34.473Z",
"reportType": "DSV_INVENTORY",
"reportVersion": "v1"}}

Sample Payload 2: Report Status Event -Error

{"source": { "eventType": "REPORT_STATUS", "eventTime": "2023-07-03T14:12:42.913Z", "eventId": "e435c380-fbe6-11ea-bc39-c314c32822dc"},
"payload": {"partnerId": "651263", "requestId": "6da7357b-1c3b-4c1d-9685-ca2931eb96b4",
"requestStatus": "ERROR",
"requestSubmissionDate": "2023-12-10T07:08:35.393Z",
"reportGenerationDate": "2023-12-10T07:21:34.473Z",
"reportType": "DSV_INVENTORY",
"reportVersion": "v1",
"errorDescription": "Your report request has resulted in error. Please try creating a new request."}}