DSV Item Level - Inventory & Cost Report

Drop ship vendors (DSV) can use the on request DSV_INVENTORY report to view all of the items they sell via the DSV channel and key information at each one of their fulfillment centers / ship nodes such as:

  1. Item Inventory Levels
  2. Cost at each ship node

Note: This report does not contain any inventory for items purchased by Walmart (owned) items.

Report file contents

The report shows individual rows for each item and every fulfillment center or ship node that the Supplier has set up.

For example, if users have one item and four fulfillment centers, they will see four rows in the report for that item. There will be individual rows for the corresponding fulfillment center or ship node.

Note: Only active ship nodes or fulfillment centers will be included on the report.

Here is an example to show the report CSV file opened in a spreadsheet application.

Note: The global trade item number (GTIN) values often start with leading 0’s. If users open the CSV file in Microsoft® Excel®, make sure to open the file with the GTIN field as a string, rather than a number, to get the full GTIN value.

Report Key Capabilities / Notes

Primary Key(s)The Report primary key is the Item – Shipnode Combination
Data LatencyThe data in this report is <1 Hr old after the report is generated
Filtering Supported?Yes; the report supports value (enum) filters on the following 2 fields:
Active Item Configuration: Yes; No
Variable AttributesNo; the fields on this report will not vary

Report Field Descriptions

The CSV report file contains the following fields:

SKUSpecifies the supplier-specified stock keeping unit identifier for the item.Supplier
GTINSpecifies the global trade item number (GTIN-14) is an internationally recognized identifier for a product.Supplier
Walmart Item NumberThe Walmart Item Number for the item. This is a Walmart created identifier that is provided to the Supplier post Item Setup; this is used to manage data such as CostWalmart
Product NameSpecifies the name of the item.Supplier
Published StatusDefines if the item is published on Walmart.com and available for customers to view the itemWalmart
Active Item ConfigurationsDefines if one or more of the item configuration setup by the Supplier is being actively sold to Walmart. This is managed with the “Supply Item Status Code” Attribute.Supplier
Ship Node IDSpecifies an identifier for the fulfillment center or ship node.Walmart
Ship Node NameSpecifies the name of the fulfillment center or ship node.

This is a custom name the supplier can create to identify the ship node; for example, “TwoDay_WestCoast” or “CA_Standard”.
Ship Node AddressThis is the Address of the Ship NodeSupplier
Input QuantitySpecifies the quantity of an item that is input by the supplier.

This amount represents the total item inventory, including items that are sold, but not yet shipped.
AvailToSell QuantitySpecifies the quantity of an item that is currently in stock and available to sell.

This inventory count does not show any items that are committed to open, undelivered orders.
Ship Node Unit CostThe cost for the item sold via this shipnode.Supplier

To update item inventory, use the 1P Supplier DSV Inventory API calls.