850 Purchase Order
Download this document in Word format from the following link:
Walmart.com Drop Ship Vendor_850_4010_EDI.docx
Functional Group PO
This Draft Standard for Trial Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Purchase Order Transaction Set (850) for use in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to provide for customary and established business and industry practices relative to the placement of purchase orders for goods and services. This transaction set should not be used to convey purchase order changes or purchase order acknowledgment information.
Pos | Id | Segment Name | Req | Max Use | Repeat | Notes | Usage |
010 | ST | Transaction Set Header | M | 1 | Must use | ||
020 | BEG | Beginning Segment for Purchase Order | M | 1 | Must use | ||
050 | REF | Reference Identification | O | >1 | Must use | ||
090 | CTP | Pricing Information | O | >1 | Must use | ||
110 | CSH | Sales Requirements | O | 5 | Must use | ||
150 | DTM | Date/Time Reference | O | 10 | Must use | ||
LOOP ID – N9 | 1000 | ||||||
295 | N9 | Reference Identification | O | 1 | LOOP ID – N9 | Must use | |
300 | MSG | Message Text | O | 1000 | LOOP ID – N9 | Must use | |
LOOP ID – N1 | 200 | ||||||
310 | N1 | Name | O | 1 | LOOP ID – N1 | Must use | |
330 | N3 | Address Information | O | 2 | LOOP ID – N1 | Must use | |
340 | N4 | Geographic Location | O | >1 | LOOP ID – N1 | Must use | |
350 | REF | Reference Identification | O | 12 | LOOP ID – N1 | Dependent | |
360 | PER | Administrative Communications Contact | O | >1 | LOOP ID – N1 | Dependent | |
390 | TD5 | Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time) | O | 12 | LOOP ID – N1 | Dependent |
Pos | Id | Segment Name | Req | Max Use | Repeat | Notes | Usage |
LOOP ID – P01 | 100000 | ||||||
010 | P01 | Baseline Item Data | M | 1 | LOOP ID – P01 | Must use | |
LOOP ID – PID | 1000 | ||||||
050 | PID | Product/Item Description | O | 1 | LOOP ID – PID | Must use | |
LOOP ID – SAC | 25 | ||||||
130 | SAC | Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Information | O | 1 | LOOP ID – SAC | Must use | |
LOOP ID – N9 | 1000 | ||||||
330 | N9 | Reference Identification | O | 1 | LOOP ID – N9 | Dependent | |
340 | MSG | Message Text | O | 1000 | LOOP ID – N9 | Dependent |
Pos | Id | Segment Name | Req | Max Use | Repeat | Notes | Usage |
LOOP ID – CTT | 1 | ||||||
010 | CTT | Transaction Totals | O | 1 | N3/010 | Must use | |
030 | SE | Transaction Set Trailer | M | 1 | Must use |
- N3/010: The number of line items (CTT01) is the accumulation of the number of PO1 segments.
Sample Spec 850 Files
ISA*00* *00* *01*12571829 *12*8478505336*070413*1811*U*00401*000000014*0*T*>
N1*ST*Tom Smith
N3*12323 ABC Street*
PER*RE*Tom Smith*TE*9780032345
PO1*1*1*EA*23.50*QE*BP*3335027*UP*0083645300100*VP*SW-306 PID*F****Star Wars Darth Vader Lightsaber - Episode III, .45 Scaled Re SAC*N*D340******33.63****15
ST Transaction Set Header
To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number.
Usage Option: Must Use
- Pos: 010
- Max: 1
- Heading – Mandatory
- Loop: N/A
- Elements: 2
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
ST01 | 143 | Transaction Set Identifier Code | M | ID | 3/3 | ||
ST02 | 329 | Transaction Set Control Number | M | AN | 4/9 |
BEG Beginning Segment for Purchase Order
To indicate the beginning of the Purchase Order Transaction Set and transmit identifying numbers and dates.
- Pos: 020
- Max: 1
- Heading – Mandatory
- Loop: N/A
- Elements: 4
- Usage Option: Must use
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
BEG01 | 353 | Transaction Set Purpose Code | M | ID | 2/2 | 00 | Original |
BEG02 | 92 | Purchase Order Type Code | M | ID | 2/2 | DS | Dropship |
BEG03 | 324 | Purchase Order Number | M | AN | 1/22 | ||
BEG05 | 373 | Date | M | DT | 8/8 | Date the Purchase Order was created |
REF Reference Identification 1
To specify identifying information.
Usage Option: Must use
- Pos: 050
- Max: >1
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N/A
- Elements: 2
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
REF01 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | M | ID | 2/3 | CO | Customer Order Number |
REF02 | 127 | Reference Identification | X | AN | 1/30 |
Segment Notes
Contains the customer's order number (13-digit numeric). Note: This number can not be unique across all Purchase Orders.
REF Reference Identification 2
To specify identifying information.
Usage Option: Must use (only for Site to Store Orders)
- Pos: 050
- Max: >1
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N/A
- Elements: 2
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
REF01 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | M | ID | 2/3 | ST | Walmart Store Number |
REF02 | 127 | Reference Identification | X | AN | 1/30 |
Segment Notes
Contains the Walmart Store Number for ship-to-store orders.
REF Reference Identification 3
To specify identifying information.
Usage Option: Must use
- Pos: 050
- Max: >1
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N/A
- Elements: 2
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
REF01 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | M | ID | 2/3 | IA | Internal Vendor Number |
REF02 | 127 | Reference Identification | X | AN | 1/30 |
Segment Notes
Walmart Assigned Internal Vendor Number. This is not used even though it always sends in the order file.
REF Reference Identification 4
To specify identifying information.
Usage Option: Optional
- Pos: 050
- Max: >1
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N/A
- Elements: 2
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
REF01 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | M | ID | 2/3 | VR | Facility ID Number |
REF02 | 127 | Reference Identification | X | AN | 1/30 |
Segment Notes
Walmart.com Assigned Facility ID Number. This segment will be sent only if the vendor has multiple ship points or Facilities. REF-02 has the Facility Number from where the order is to be shipped.
CTP Pricing Information
To specify pricing information
- Pos: 090
- Max: >1
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N/A
- Elements: 4
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
CTP01 | 687 | Class of Trade Code | M | ID | 2/2 | RS | Resale |
CTP03 | 212 | Unit Price | M | R | 1/17 | ||
CTP04 | 380 | Quantity | M | R | 1/15 | ||
CTP05 | C001 | Component Unit of Measure | OT | Comp | |||
355 | M | ID | 2/2 | EA | Each |
Segment Notes
Contains the total retail amount of this Purchase Order. It can be used to validate the data consistency of this message.
- Total retail price for this Purchase Order, including all lines, charges, and adjustments. Note: For gift orders, this value is zero.
- Always 1 unit quantity.
Usage Option: Must use
CSH Sales Requirements
To specify general conditions or requirements of the sale
Usage Option: Must use
- Pos: 110
- Max: 5
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N/A
- Elements: 1
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
CSH01 | 563 | Sales Requirement Code | O | ID | 2/2 | P2 | Ship as soon as possible |
Segment Notes
Contains a code used to suppress split shipments within a facility. Use one of the following values:
- P2: Ship as soon as possible
- SC: Ship Complete
DTM Date/Time Reference
To specify pertinent dates and times
Usage Option: Must use
- Pos: 150
- Max: 10
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N/A
- Elements: 2
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
DTM01 | 374 | Date/Time Qualifier | M | ID | 3/3 | see Notes | |
DTM02 | 373 | Date | X | DT | 8/8 |
Segment Notes
There is always a DTM segment containing the date the order was placed (DTM01 = “806”). There can be a DTM segment containing a date on which the customer has requested the item be delivered (DTM01 = “002”). This option is not supported by all suppliers. Other values are as follows:
- 002: Delivery Requested
- 806: Customer Order
- 010: Expected Ship Date (optional)
- 009: Order Processing Date (optional)
N9 Reference Identification
To transmit identifying information as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier.
Usage Option: Must use
- Pos: 295
- Max: 1
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N9
- Elements: 2
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
N901 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | M | ID | 2/3 | ZZ | Mutually Defined |
N902 | 127 | Reference Identification | X | AN | 1/30 | see notes |
Segment Notes
The N9 segments with N9-01=ZZ are always sent in the order file. This is not to be used. Presently, the N9-02 always contains the following values.
- RETURNSMSG: Returns Message
- MARKETINGMSG: Marketing Message
- LASTDELIVERYMSG: Last Delivery Message
MSG Message Text 1
To provide a free-form format that allows the transmission of text information.
Usage Option: Must use
- Pos: 300
- Max: 1000
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N9
- Elements: 3
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
MSG01 | 933 | Free-Form Message Text | M | AN | 1/264 | ||
MSG02 | 934 | Printer Carriage Control Code | X | ID | 2/2 | AA | Advance the Specified Number of Lines before Print |
MSG03 | 1470 | Number | O | N0 | 1/9 | Message Line Number (1 to 4) |
Segment Notes
- The MSG segments with MSG-02=AA are always sent in the order file. This is not to be used
- Each message can have four lines and contain up to 100 characters of data per line
N1 Name
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code.
Usage Option: Must use
- Pos: 310
- Max: 1
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N1
- Elements: 2
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
N101 | 98 | Entity Identifier Code | M | ID | 2/3 | see notes | |
N102 | 93 | Name | X | AN | 1/60 |
Segment Notes
This loop contains three addresses related to this Purchase Order, and this segment (N101) defines the type of data to follow. The codes for N101 that are available are BT, RT, ST, and FD.
- BT: Bill-to-party – The N1 loop when N101=BT (Bill To) address is optional
- RT: Returned to
- ST: Ship To – The N1 loop when N101=ST (Ship to) address is always sent in the 850.
- FD: Physical Address – FD is used to specify the physical address of a Walmart facility for the case of orders using ship codes 81 and 91 (Wal-Mart transportation ). In that case, the optional N103/N104 elements are populated to provide the Walmart ID number for the facility, and N102 will be populated with ‘RDC’ or ‘WPM’ for this case.
N3 Address Information
To specify the location of the named party.
Usage Option: Must use
- Pos: 330
- Max: 2
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N1
- Elements: 2
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
N301 | 166 | Address Information | M | AN | 1/55 | ||
N302 | 166 | Address Information | O | AN | 1/55 |
N4 Geographic Location
To specify the geographic place of the named party.
Usage Option: Must use
- Pos: 340
- Max: >1
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N1
- Elements: 4
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
N401 | 19 | City Name | O | AN | 2/30 | ||
N402 | 156 | State or Province Code | O | ID | 2/2 | ||
N403 | 116 | Postal Code | O | ID | 3/15 | ||
N404 | 26 | Country Code | O | ID | 2/3 | see notes | |
N405 | 309 | Location Qualifier | X | ID | 1/2 | GL | see notes |
N406 | 310 | Location Qualifier | O | AN | 1/30 | GLN | see notes |
Segment Notes
- N404: Use the ISA ALPHA-3 Country Code.
- N405: GL used only for Integrated Shipping (backhaul)
- N406: GLN (Global Location Number of the facility) used only for Integrated Shipping (backhaul)
REF Reference Identification 5
To specify identifying information.
Usage Option: Dependent
- Pos: 350
- Max: 12
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N1
- Elements: 3
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
REF01 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | M | ID | 2/3 | see notes | |
REF02 | 127 | Reference Identification | X | AN | 1/30 | see notes | |
REF04 | C040 | Reference Identifier | O | Comp | 2/3 | ZZ | Mutually Defined |
Segment Notes
- REF01 = “4N”: Description of billing payment method. For gift orders, this is replaced by non-descriptive text.
- REF01 = “OD”: Returns TC Number
- REF01 = “PN”: Returns Permit Number. Additional data is populated in REF04.
- REF01 = “PHC”: Returns Method Code of “RC” (Not pre-paid), “RP” (pre-paid) or “RS” (return to vendor).
- REF04 Only used if REF01 = “PN”
PER Administrative Communications Contact
To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed.
Usage Option: Dependent
- Pos: 360
- Max: >1
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N1
- Elements: 6
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
PER01 | 366 | Contact Function Code | M | ID | 2/2 | see notes | |
PER02 | 93 | Name | O | AN | 1/60 | ||
PER03 | 365 | Communication Number Qualifier | X | ID | 2/2 | TE | Telephone |
PER04 | 364 | Communication Number | X | AN | 1/80 | ||
PER05 | 365 | Communication Number Qualifier | X | ID | 2/2 | EM | Electronic Mail |
PER06 | 364 | Communication Number | X | AN | 1/80 |
Segment Notes
- Segment mandatory with PER01 = “BI” for N101 = “BT”
- Segment mandatory with PER01 = “RE” for N101 = “ST”
For the PER01 Contact Function Code, use one of the following:
- BI: Bill Inquiry Contact
- RE: Receiving Contact
TD5 Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time)
To specify the carrier and sequence of routing and provide transit time information.
Usage Option: Dependent
- Pos: 390
- Max: 12
- Heading – Optional
- Loop: N1
- Elements: 6
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
TD501 | 133 | Routing Sequence Code | O | ID | 1/2 | O | Origin Carrier (Air, Motor, or Ocean) |
TD502 | 66 | Identification Code Qualifier | X | ID | 1/2 | 93 | Code assigned by the organization originating the transaction set |
TD503 | 67 | Identification Code | X | AN | 2/80 | see notes | |
TD507 | 309 | Location Qualifier | O | ID | 1/2 | IS | In Store (see notes) |
TD508 | 310 | Location Identifier | X | AN | 1/30 | see notes | |
TD512 | 284 | Service Level Code | X | ID | 2/2 | see notes |
Segment Notes
If the customer chooses in-store pickup, then TD507 and TD508 are required to specify the store number. All suppliers do not support this delivery method.
- TD508 value is the store number if TD507 = ‘IS’
TD512 is the service level chosen by the customer for this order. TD512 can use one of the following codes:
- ND: Next Day Air
- SE: Second Day
- SG: Standard Ground
- ZZ: Mutually Defined
- DF: Value Shipping
TD503 can use one of the following codes:
CMID | XML | Carrier Method Name | CARRIER |
9 | 9 | UPS Second Day Air | UPS |
17 | 17 | Common Carrier | Common Carrier |
18 | 18 | FedEx Freight | FedEx |
19 | 19 | FedEx Express Saver (3-Day Service) | FedEx |
20 | 20 | FedEx Ground | FedEx |
21 | 21 | FedEx Priority Overnight | FedEx |
22 | 22 | FedEx 2-Day | FedEx |
24 | 24 | FedEx Standard Overnight (PM Delivery) | FedEx |
31 | 31 | USPS Priority Mail | USPS |
43 | 43 | Pilot Freight Basic Delivery | Pilot |
65 | 65 | FedEx Smartpost Over 1lb | Smartpost |
66 | 66 | FedEx Smartpost Under 1lb | Smartpost |
67 | 67 | FedEx Home Delivery | FedEx |
68 | 20 | FedEx Ground | FedEx |
79 | 79 | FedEx Ground – S2S | FedEx |
80 | 80 | UPS Ground – S2S | UPS |
82 | 82 | Seko Worldwide | Seko |
90 | 90 | Yellow Freight System – S2S | YRC |
97 | 97 | UPS Second Day Air – S2S | UPS |
98 | 98 | Downloads | In-Store Pickup |
143 | 43 | Pilot Freight Room of Choice Delivery | Pilot |
155 | 55 | Estes Forwarding Worldwide Basic Delivery | Estes |
223 | 22 | FedEx 2-Day | FedEx |
243 | 43 | Pilot Freight White-Glove | Pilot |
255 | 55 | Estes Forwarding Worldwide Glove Delivery | Estes |
267 | 67 | FedEx Home Delivery | FedEx |
355 | 55 | Estes Forwarding Worldwide Room of Choice Delivery | Estes |
443 | 43 | Pilot Freight Unattended Delivery | Pilot |
501 | 2 | UPS Ground | UPS |
545 | 146 | NSD for DSV | Non-Stop Delivery |
6761 | 20 | FedEx Ground Cold Split | FedEx |
6762 | 67 | FedEx Home Delivery Cold Split | FedEx |
6763 | 20 | FedEx Ground Cold Split | FedEx |
6764 | 67 | FedEx Home Delivery Cold Split | FedEx |
6766 | 801 | FedEx Ground Hot Split | FedEx |
6767 | 802 | FedEx Home Delivery Hot Split | FedEx |
6768 | 801 | FedEx Ground Hot Split | FedEx |
6769 | 802 | FedEx Home Delivery Hot Split | FedEx |
PO1 Baseline Item Data
To specify basic and most frequently used line item data
Usage Option: Must Use
- Pos: 010
- Max: 1
- Detail – Mandatory
- Loop: PO1
- Elements: 11
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
PO101 | 350 | Assigned Identification | O | AN | 1/20 | see notes | |
PO102 | 330 | Quantity Ordered | X | R | 1/15 | ||
PO103 | 355 | Unit or Basis for Measurement Code | O | ID | 2/2 | EA | Each |
PO104 | 212 | Unit Price | X | R | 1/17 | ||
PO105 | 639 | Basis of Unit Price Code | O | ID | 2/2 | QE | Quoted Price per Each |
PO106 | 235 | Product/Service ID Qualifier | X | ID | 2/2 | BP | Buyer's Part Number |
PO107 | 234 | Product/Service ID | X | AN | 1/48 | Walmart.com item SKU | |
PO108 | 235 | Product/Service ID Qualifier | X | ID | 2/2 | UP | U.P.C. Consumer Package Code (1-5-5-1) |
PO109 | 234 | Product/Service ID | X | AN | 1/48 | Walmart Item UPC | |
PO110 | 235 | Product/Service ID Qualifier | X | ID | 2/2 | VP | Vendor's (Seller’s) Part Number |
PO111 | 234 | Product/Service ID | X | AN | 1/48 | Supplier's item SKU |
Segment Notes
PO101 is a unique identifier for this Purchase Order Line. This number is necessary when responding with a status update or shipping notification.
PID Product/Item Description
To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format.
Usage Option: Must Use
- Pos: 050
- Max: 1
- Detail – Optional
- Loop: PID
- Elements: 2
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
PID01 | 349 | Item Description Type | M | ID | 1/1 | F | Free-form |
PID05 | 352 | Description | X | AN | 1/80 | Item description |
Segment Notes
SAC Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Information
To request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge; to specify the amount or percentage for the service, promotion, allowance, or charge.
Usage Option: Must Use
- Pos: 130
- Max: 1
- Detail – Optional
- Loop: SAC
- Elements: 5
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
SAC01 | 248 | Allowance or Charge Indicator | M | ID | 1/1 | N | No Allowance or Charge |
SAC02 | 1300 | Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Code | X | ID | 4/4 | see notes | |
SAC08 | 118 | Rate | O | R | 1/9 | see notes | |
SAC12 | 331 | Allowance or Charge Method of Handling Code | O | ID | 2/2 | 15 | Information Only |
SAC15 | 352 | Description | X | AN | 1/80 | see notes |
Segment Notes
- SAC02 can have one of several values listed as follows:
- D340: Goods and Services Charge. Charge to the customer for each item – always present.
- G830: Shipping and Handling. Charge to the customer for shipping and handling – always present.
- H000: Special Allowance – Allowance to the customer for customer service adjustment or promotion – present only if non-zero.
- H151: Special Services – Charge to the customer for value-added service – present only if non-zero.
- H850: Tax – Charge to the customer for sales tax – always present.
- SAC08 should be the retail price per unit. For gift orders, this value is zero.
- SAC15: A free-text description is supplied if SAC02 is “H000” or “H151”
N9 Reference Identification 2
To transmit identifying information as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Usage Option: Dependent
- Pos: 330
- Max: 1
- Detail – Optional
- Loop: N9
- Elements: 4
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
N901 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | M | ID | 2/3 | see notes | |
N902 | 127 | Reference Identification | X | AN | 1/30 | see notes | |
N903 | 369 | Free-form description | X | AN | 1/45 | see notes | |
N907 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | M | ID | 2/3 | 55 | Sequence Number – see notes |
Segment Notes
- N901 can be one of the following values:
- QY: Service Performed Code
- S2: Data Source
- N902: If N901 = “QY”, then N902 is a value-added service code as defined by Walmart.com:
- VGM: Gift Message (Four lines)
- VGT: Gift Tag (to/from)
- VGW: Gift Wrapping
- VSR: Signature on Delivery
- N903: If N901 = “S2”, then this is the name of a dynamic data element
- N907: If N901 = “QY”, then this contains a unique sequence number for each value-added service request
MSG Message Text 2
To provide a free-form format that allows the transmission of text information
Usage Option: Dependent
- Pos: 340
- Max: 1000
- Detail – Optional
- Loop: N9
- Elements: 1
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
MSG01 | 933 | Free-form message text | M | AN | 1/264 | see notes |
Segment Notes
If N901 = “QY”, then there is one MSG element for each value-added service data element. MSG01 will contain a name/value pair separated by a “|” character (e.g. “LINE1|Hi Mom”). There will 4 MSG segments containing 4 lines of text when N9-02=VGM. When N9-02=VSR ,MSG-01 =SOD|Y for signature on delivery
If N901 = “S2”, then there are MSG segments containing the dynamic-data value corresponding to the N903 dynamic-data name. The data will be split into 264 character blocks, so there can be one or many MSG segments depending on the length of the data.
CTT Transaction Totals
To transmit a hash total for a specific element in the transaction set
Usage Option: Must Use
- Pos: 010
- Max: 1
- Summary – Optional
- Loop: CTT
- Elements: 1
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
CTT01 | 354 | Number of Line Items (count of PO1 elements) | M | N0 | 1/6 |
SE Transaction Set Trailer
To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)
Usage Option: Must Use
- Pos: 030
- Max: 1
- Summary – Mandatory
- Loop: N/A
- Elements: 2
Element Summary
Ref | Id | Element Name | Req | Type | Min/Max | Code | Name |
SE01 | 96 | Number of Included Segments | M | N0 | 1/10 | ||
SE02 | 329 | Transaction Set Control Number | M | AN | 4/9 | 4 |
Updated about 1 month ago