Update Strategy Repricer API Overview

The Update Strategy API allows you to change the strategy rule, name, or amount and unit.

If you want to pause a strategy that has assigned items, enabled should be sent as false with the Update Strategy API.

Input Requirement

You must include an access token in the request header.

Scenario(s)CriteriaError MessageStatusSample Response
Update/DeleteIf Strategy ID is InvalidStrategy Id not found400{ “status”: “BAD_REQUEST”, “errorMessage”: “Error(s) : Strategy Id not found”,“payload”: null}
Create/UpdateIf Strategy type is invalid. Valid Types are [External Price]Invalid strategy type400{ “status”: “BAD_REQUEST”, “errorMessage”: “Error(s) : Invalid strategy type”, “payload”: null }
Create/UpdateIf Adjustment Type is invalid. Valid Types are [UNIT, PERCENTAGE]Invalid strategy beat by type400{ “status”: “BAD_REQUEST”, “errorMessage”: “Error(s) : Invalid strategy beat by type”, “payload”: null }