Reject Recommendations API

You can reject the list of recommendations that are recommended for you by using the Reject Recommendations API. This will act as a feedback loop and help us generate better recommendations for you in the future.

Use ITEM as the recommendationType. The recommendations can be rejected by selecting appropriate filterCriteria such as searchText, multiValueFilter and rangeFilter or by providing a list of itemRecommendationUniqueId. You will need to provide valid rejection code(s) while submitting the reject request. Possible rejection code values include:

rejection codeDescription
NOT_SELLING_THESE_ITEMSAs a seller, I don’t intend to sell these items on Walmart
NOT_SELLING_THESE_BRANDSAs a seller, I don’t intend to sell these brands on Walmart
LIMITED_TO_OTHER_MARKETPLACEAs a seller, I intend to sell the rejected items only on other marketplaces
ALREADY_SELLING_ON_WALMARTI am already selling these items on Walmart
OTHER_REASONMandatory to add customRejectionMessage