Provide your own shipping option
If you prefer to ship orders on your own, you need to contact Walmart seller support to map your shipping option to your orders.
After you are set up with your own shipping option through seller support, you can maintain your own order shipments.
Ship orders via Integrated Carriers
To ship an order via Walmart’s integrated carriers: (FedEx, DHL, Estafeta, SFC, PaqueteExpress, Tracusa, UPS, 99min, 17Track), provide a tracking number along with the carrier name.
Ship orders via Other carriers
When you ship an order for other carriers, specify carrier name “Other,” and provide the tracking number and tracking URL.
You need to also provide the delivered update once the package has reached the customer. For Walmart integrated carriers, this is updated by Walmart from the carriers.
About Order Cancellation Reason Codes
When you cancel an order, you need to provide a value for the cancellationReason field. For a list of all order cancellation values, see the Cancel Order Lines API.
cancellationReason | Reason Code | Description |
PRICE_ERROR | MIRAKL_REFUND_45 | Use this code if there is price error for the order |
OUT_OF_STOCK | MIRAKL_REFUND_15 | Use this code if there is an out of stock of the item |
SELLER_REJECTION | SELLER_REJECTION | Use this code if you want to reject the order |
Updated about 2 months ago