Item Object
The Marketplace API contains only one set of XSDs that represents an item object, i.e., MPitem object. The MPitem object may contain either item or listing/offer information, or both. Based on the type of information it can be used for the following operations:
To Set Up Full Item: If the MPitem object contains item information (i.e., item attributes) as well as the listing /offer information (i.e., price and shipping information); it will be used to set up the full item.
To Update Product Only: If the MPitem object contains only item information (i.e., item attributes); it will be used for only product information updates.
To Update Listing/Offer Only: If the MPitem object contains only listing /offer information; it will be used for only listing/offer information updates.
Extract the Item XSDs from the Zip directory:
The recommended usage of the different operations mentioned above is as follows:
For initial insertion, use the MPItem object with item details and item listing/offer.
Once the item has been set up and the status is PUBLISHED, use the Offer Only object item for non-item edits, such as price changes.
Use the Product only item object for item edits.
Note: You should not use an MPItem object because any price change included in the MPItem object is effective only when the entire object is processed.
Published Status
The published status of an item describes where the item is in the submission process.
PUBLISHED: The item is visible on and available for sale.
READY_TO_PUBLISH: The item is in the final staging process and is ready to be published.
IN_PROGRESS: The item is processing. An error could still occur at this point.
UNPUBLISHED: The item has been made unavailable on because of backend rules, such as not having inventory for too long or problems with images.
STAGE: The item is in the final staging process but has not been published because the Seller has not gone live.
SYSTEM_PROBLEM: The item cannot be published. Contact Partner Support.
Lifecycle Status
The lifecycle status of an item describes where the item listing is in the overall lifecycle.
ACTIVE: The item’s offer is current.
RETIRED: The offer has moved past its expiration date (as set in the EndDate field). The item is not visible on It can be made ACTIVE again by extending the expiration date into the future.
ARCHIVED: The offer has been in RETIRED status for over a year. To return the listing to the ACTIVE status, contact Partner Support.
A variant group is a group of individual items that only differ by a few attributes (for example, a pair of shoes that come in different colors or a T-shirt that comes in various sizes). The items in this group can be presented together on one Item Page, and selected by choosing from the displayed attributes.
Variant Attributes
There are five required attributes you must include to successfully set up a variant group.
Variant Group ID: This is a unique ID that you create and use to identify all of the items in a variant group. A Variant Group ID can be alphanumeric and up to 20 characters long. If items have different Variant Group IDs, they will be in different groups.
Variant Attribute Name: Variant Attribute Name indicates what attributes vary within the group. For instance, if your item comes in sizes small, medium and large, your Variant Attribute Name would be Size.
Choose the most appropriate Variant Attribute Name from the drop-down list with eligible attributes for that category.
A maximum of 3 variant attributes are allowed.
Values for these attributes must be provided in the Spec, otherwise it will result in an error.
Swatch Image – Swatch Variant Attribute (optional): Visual variants can be set up to be displayed as swatches on the Item Page. For example, if you have a T-shirt that comes in different colors, Swatch Variant Attribute should be set to color and you should provide Swatch Image URLs for the different colors.
Swatch Image – Swatch Image URL (optional): Provide the image URLs for each swatch color. You need to include an image for each variation of that swatch, but not for every variation within the group.
Is Primary Variant: The Primary Variant is the item that appears when users search and is the default viewed on the Item Page. Select Sí or No from the dropdown. Only select one Primary Variant per variant group. If you select Sí on more than one item in a single variant group, your feed may fail.
Variant Group Errors
Variant Group Limits: Variant groups cannot exceed 1,000+ variants. If you add more than 1,000 variants, you will receive an error message that reads: “Each variant group ID can only show up to 1,000 items on site. Please ensure your group has a maximum of 999 items.”
Duplicate Variants: If you have multiple products in a variant group that have similar values, such as color, you may receive the following error: “Multiple items have the same values for their variant attributes. Please provide unique values or add more product variations to ensure your items are shown on site.”
Missing Variant attribute value:If you have provided the variant name but have not provided value for this attribute, you will see the following data error : “A variant item must have a Variant Group ID, Variant Attribute Name and variant attribute values (e.g., if you are selling a T-shirt and the variant is size, you will need to include variant values like Small, Medium, etc. for size). To learn more, search ‘variant groups’ in the Knowledge Base.”
Updated about 2 months ago