Initiate a refund

To issue a refund against a return order, use the Issue Refund API. Multiple return order lines can be refunded in one request.

Specific Refund Adjustments

To make refund adjustments, use the Order Refund API, Refund Order Lines.

If the seller needs to determine the refund amount, it is better to use the Refund Order Lines API to make a specific adjustment. For example, for items that will not be part of the Marketplace returns program, such as HAZMAT and Freight items.

Refunds Errors

When you initiate a return, you might see some errors. For system errors, the code is concatenated with the the API that was being invoked at the time of the error.

Data or System CodeDescriptionType
400Invalid request. One or more mandatory fields are missing.Data Error
400Requested quantity is not available. Please check if there is refundable quantity.Data Error
400The return order number is not valid.Data Error
400Return Order has more than one line. Please specify ReturnOrderLineNumber to be refunded.Data Error
500Unexpected error occurred. Please try again or contact support.Data Error
500We are not able to perform this operation at this time. Please try again or contact support.Data Error

In general, if any “500” errors occur, retry. For ‘400’ errors, try to fix the input data.