Implementation Plan

This section outlines a possible implementation plan as described in the Order Management API Overview. The sub-sections in the proposed implementation are documented below.

Walmart item client-side status

For this implementation, we assume that you will use your own client-side database to store the status of your items and feeds on A possible set of statuses could be:

transmitTo be transmitted to WalmartCan be set to this state by seller deciding to include SKU on, or by system requesting a re-transmission because data errors were detected and fixed
data fixSchema or content is incompatible with Walmart.comCheck the item XML file against the XSD file
ingestion in progressItem is in the ingestion processNo updates allowed at this time
publish in progressItem is in publishing processIngestion is completed, but publishing must be completed before you can add inventory
publishedItem is published on Walmart.comInventory can be added and the item can be sold to customers
system errorAn error was encountered during publishingContact Walmart Marketplace Support
unpublishedNot available on Walmart.comUsually caused by the removal of an item
data fix – ticketSupport ticket submittedUnderlying error status is data fix
system error – ticketSupport ticket submittedUnderlying error status is a system error

Send items for ingestion

This flow describes how you may want to send your items to Walmart and process immediate errors. On an initial ingestion, the object used must be the MPItem object; thereafter, you may use the OfferEnvelope or the ProductEnvelope object.

Check ingestion status

The flow below describes how you may monitor the status of your items as they are ingested.

Check published status

The flow below describes how you may monitor the status of your items as they move through the publishing process.

Correct Item Errors

The flow below describes how you may implement a process for correcting item errors. In addition to the flow below, you may want to build your own process for correcting items and their statuses as Walmart Marketplace Support responds to support tickets.