Get seller's listing quality score
You can view your seller’s listing quality score for your entire catalog of listings with the Seller Listing Quality Score API.
The Listing Quality score is based on several metrics that gauge the quality of your item listings: content, discoverability, offer, ratings, and reviews. If there are issues in these metric categories, your seller’s overall score will decrease.
To view your seller’s listing quality score in Seller Center, go to the Listing Quality Dashboard under Analytics > Growth Opportunities.
Step 1: Call Seller Listing Quality Score API
To get a seller’s overall listing quality score, call:
Note: All API call examples shown in this guide assume the Walmart API endpoint: |
The API returns the following listing quality metrics for the seller’s overall catalog:
- Overall Listing Quality –
provides the seller’s overall score with a range of values from 0 to 100. The score includes seller’s trending items and WFS items (if seller participates with Walmart Fulfillment Services) by default. You can exclude these from the score with the query parameters. - Offer –
value 0 to 100 (for example, “offerScore”: 56.38) - Content –
value 0 to 100 (for example, “contentScore”: 78.0) - Ratings & Reviews –
value 0 to 100 (for example “ratingReviewScore”: 100.0) - Post-purchase Quality –
provides the number of items with issues.defectRatio
provides a ratio of available items to defective items.
Upon success, the API returns all metrics with status “OK.”
Step 1: Call Seller Listing Quality Score API
To get a seller’s overall Listing Quality Score, call:
Note: All API call examples shown in this guide assume the Walmart API endpoint: |
The API returns the following listing quality metrics for the seller’s overall catalog:
- Overall Listing Quality –
provides the seller’s overall score with range of values from 0 to 100. Score includes seller’s trending items and WFS items (if seller participates with Walmart Fulfillment Services) by default. You can exclude these from the score with the query parameters. - Offer –
value 0 to 100 (for example, “offerScore”: 56.38) - Content –
value 0 to 100 (for example, “contentScore”: 78.0) - Ratings & Reviews –
value 0 to 100 (for example, “ratingReviewScore”: 100.0) - Post-purchase Quality–
provides the number of items with issues.defectRatio
provides a ratio of available items to defective items.
Upon success, the API returns all metrics with status “OK.”
Updated about 2 months ago