Get Recommendations API

You can fetch the list of recommendations created for you by using the Get Recommendations API. Use ITEM as the recommendationType.

You can fetch all recommendations created for you or add filterCriteria such as searchText, multiValueFilter, and rangeFilter to fetch a specific set of recommendations. All the filters are connected using the AND operator.


You can filter using a search term that contains any phrase that could be found anywhere in the recommendations data. The term must not be an empty value. This would filter for the search term present anywhere in the recommendation data.


This can be used to filter based on a certain parameter. Currently, the parameters supported are BRAND and CATEGORY. When applying a multiValueFilter, the AND operator is used between the values.


This can be used to filter based on a range. You must pass a parameter with floor range value, ceiling range value, or both values. Currently, the support parameter value is PRICE for the rangeFilter. The range filter for price is applied on Walmart item prices to fetch the corresponding recommendations.