Get Inventory Log for a WFS item

Sellers can use this API to access inventory transactions in Walmart Fulfillment Centers. Sellers using Seller Center can access this information from the Manage Inventory page.

These are the fields returned by this API:

GTINThe Globe Trade Identification Number associated with this item is a 14-digit code00842978102337
Vendor (Seller) SKUThe SKU seller provided for this itemABC-12345
Item NameThe title of the product/itemBlue Jeans
Event Date & TimeDate and time of inventory event/transaction03/24/2022 9:29 am
FC NameFulfillment center nameKY1
Transaction Reason DescriptionDescription of the inventory event/transactionShipped to Customer
Transaction Reason CodeShortcode of the description of inventory event/transactionSIP
Transaction TypeShortcode of the type of inventory event/transactionShip
Location CodeOrigin location of inventory event/transactionInventory
Shipment IDShipment identification number for tracking inventory shipment when applicableABC12345
UnitsNumber of items in this inventory event/transaction-1