Error Codes
If an API call cannot reach the Walmart gateway, a basic HTTP error code (such as 503 Service Unavailable) is returned. However, a complete error response object is returned if the gateway is reached.
The table below shows the currently supported error code responses.
The first parameter provides the error description.
The second parameter shows the HTTP status code.
The third parameter specifies the error category.
The fourth parameter specifies the error severity.
The fifth parameter specifies whether the error response includes a field tag.
Error Code | HTTP Status | Category | Severity | Field Included |
SOME_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND | 206 | Application | Info | false |
INVALID_REQUEST | 400 | Data | Error | true |
INVALID_REQUEST_HEADER | 400 | Data | Error | true |
INVALID_REQUEST_PARAM | 400 | Data | Error | true |
INVALID_REQUEST_CONTENT | 400 | Data | Error | true |
MISSING_REQUEST_HEADER | 400 | Data | Error | true |
MISSING_REQUEST_PARAM | 400 | Data | Error | true |
MALFORMED_REQUEST_CONTENT | 400 | Data | Error | true |
UNAUTHORIZED | 401 | Data | Error | false |
FORBIDDEN.GMP_GATEWAY_API | 403 | Data | Error | false |
CONTENT_NOT_FOUND | 404 | Application | Info | false |
URI_NOT_FOUND | 404 | Data | Error | false |
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED | 405 | Data | Error | false |
INVALID_ACCEPT_TYPE | 406 | Application | Error | false |
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | 415 | Data | Error | false |
RESOURCE_IS_LOCKED.GMP_RECEIVER_API | 423 | Application | Error | false |
REQUEST_THRESHOLD_VIOLATED | 429 | Request | Error | false |
INVALID_SYSTEM_STATE | 500 | System | Error | false |
SYSTEM_ERROR | 500 | System | Error | false |
DOWNSTREAM_SYSTEM_TIME_OUT | 504 | System | Error | false |
For example, the last error object on the right contains an INVALID_REQUEST_HEADER error encountered when invoking the GMP_ORDER_API. The error is a DATA ERROR in the WM_QOS. The CORRELATION_ID field (a request header) is null or blank.
Updated 2 months ago