Download Recommendations API

You can bulk download the item recommendations created for you by using the API below. You can use ITEM as the recommendationType.

You can download all recommendations (subject to a maximum limit of 1k in one response) created for you or add filterCriteria such as searchText, multiValueFilter, and rangeFilter to get a specific set of results. The recommendations can be downloaded using the following API"

Create Download Request API

  • You can create a new download request by using the Download Recommendations API
  • The response for this API would provide an instant download file
Item Recommendation Unique IdUnique ID assigned to each recommended item that can be used to reject the recommendations
Item nameName of the recommended item
BrandBrand of the recommended item
CategoryCategory of the recommended item
Price CurrencyCurrency in which item prices are shown
GTINGTIN of the recommended item
UPCUPC of the recommended item
Walmart Item IDItem ID of the recommended item on Walmart. It will be populated if it is an existing item on Walmart. This can be used to set up the item using Item Set up by Match APIs
Walmart URLURL of the recommended item on Walmart. It will be populated if it is an existing item on Walmart.
Walmart item pricePrice of the recommended item on Walmart. It will be populated if it is an existing item on Walmart.
Walmart Shipping PriceShipping price of the recommended item on Walmart. It will be populated if it is an existing item on Walmart.
Competitor Item IDItem ID of the recommended item on a competitor marketplace.
Competitor URLURL of the recommended item on a competitor marketplace.
Competitor Item PricePrice of the recommended item on a competitor marketplace.
Competitor Shipping PriceShipping price of the recommended item on a competitor marketplace.