Create Strategy Repricer API Overview

If the seller does not wish to use the default strategy, the seller can quickly create custom strategies with the Create Strategy endpoint to apply to their items, and then set the rules needed to execute.

The Create Strategy endpoint accepts JSON object with repricerStrategy and strategy information.

The strategy information has: strategyType, adjustmentType, and adjustmentValue. The strategyType will be External Price.

Input Requirements

The following items are required in the request:

External Price – Adjusts your prices to meet or beat prices found on other sites. This strategy will automatically adjust prices while maintaining the same meet or beat by a set margin. For example, if the external site price increases from $15.00 to $16.00 and you have established a rule to Beat By $0.20, then your price will increase to $15.80. To make this strategy effective, assign items that are offered on other marketplaces.

Adjustment Value – This is the value by which you want your offer to beat other offers. A valid value can be any floating-point value greater than or equal to 0.

Adjustment Type – This can be either UNIT or PERCENTAGE based on the value to be adjusted.

Enable – This is the value by which you have enable or disable your strategies. True is used to enable strategies whereas false is used to pause the strategies.

Error Responses

The following table explains why request errors could occur. The table identifies error-causing conditions and associated error messages, codes, and sample responses.

Scenario(s)CriteriaError MessageStatusSample Response
Create/UpdateIf Strategy type is invalid. Valid Types are [External Price]Invalid strategy type400{ “status”: “BAD_REQUEST”, “errorMessage”: “Error(s) : Invalid strategy type”, “payload”: null }
Create/UpdateIf Adjustment Type is invalid. Valid Types are [UNIT, PERCENTAGE]Invalid strategy beat by type400{ “status”: “BAD_REQUEST”, “errorMessage”: “Error(s) : Invalid strategy beat by type”, “payload”: null }
CreateIf Strategy name already existsStrategy name is duplicate400{ “status”: “BAD_REQUEST”, “errorMessage”: “Error(s) : Strategy name is duplicate”, “payload”: null }
CreateWith reserved strategy nameStrategy name is reserved by system400{ “status”: “BAD_REQUEST”, “errorMessage”: “Error(s) : Strategy name is reserved by system.”, “payload”: null }
CreateCreating strategies more than the limit for the seller (200)Only up to 200 strategies are allowed to be created{ “status”: “BAD_REQUEST”, “errorMessage”: “Error(s) : Only up to 200 strategies are allowed to be created.“, “payload”: null }