Create an Inbound Shipment Order (IO)
If you need to cancel an inbound order that you created, you can call the Cancel Inbound Shipment API.
You can cancel an inbound order before the shipment arrives at the WFS fulfillment center. Individual shipments within an inbound order may not be canceled individually. You must cancel an entire IO.
Note: You cannot cancel a shipment if its status is “Receiving in progress,” “Closed,” or “Cancelled. " To verify the status, call the GET Inbound Shipments API.
To cancel an inbound order, call DELETE /v3/fulfillment/inbound-shipments{inboundOrderId}
and specify the Order ID inboundOrderId
as a URL path parameter.
Example: Successful Order Cancel Response
If the call is successful, you will get the status “OK” returned:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: xxx
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 { "status": "OK"
Example: Failed Cancel Order Response
If the request to cancel an IO fails, you will get errors returned with the status:
Content-Length: xxx
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 { "status": "FAIL", "errors": [ { "code": "400.INBOUND_SHIPMENTS.100", "field": "inboundOrderId", "description": "inboundOrderId cannot be null or empty", "severity": "ERROR", "category": "REQUEST", "errorIdentifiers": {} } ]
Updated about 2 months ago