Check for Inbound Order errors

The next step after you create an IO is to check for errors. You can avoid most errors by implementing robust API integration. But if you encounter errors, you can re-submit the request to create the IO with the same Inbound Order ID.

To verify IO has no errors, call /v3/inbound-shipment-errors and specify the shipmentID you created when you called the Create Inbound Shipment API.

Possible Inbound Order Errors

  • The SKU is not in the WFS catalog. The Seller must make the item eligible for WFS. To add all SKUs to the WFS catalog, you need to convert them. Go to Convert Items for WFS.
  • Missing required information – Indicates missing value in the CVS file for one of the required fields. Repeat the Create an IO process. Go to Create Inbound Shipment.
  • Invalid Product ID – Incorrect number of digits in the productId.
  • Duplicate Inbound Order ID – shipmentId exists for previous orders.
  • Duplicate Product ID – productId is provided multiple times in the CVS file. Make sure to remove duplicate entries for productId in your request to create the IO.

Errors deleted after you resubmit the IO

After you resubmit an inbound order that previously had errors, the historical errors for the inbound order ID are removed and no longer accessible.