Bulk Inventory Update Feeds
For the bulk update of Inventories, sellers should use “Inventory Update Feeds”. The following types of inventory update feeds are available:
Bulk Item Inventory Update (feedType=inventory)
MultiNode Bulk Inventory Update (feedType=MP_INVENTORY)
“Bulk Item Inventory Update” feed can be used to update the Inventory of multiple Items at one fulfillment center (ship node). Specifying the fulfillment center (ship node) is optional. While submitting this feed, if the seller does not specify the fulfillment center (ship node), the inventory is updated at the seller’s default virtual node.
The “MultiNode Bulk Inventory Update” feed can be used to update the inventory of multiple items across multiple fulfillment centers (ship nodes). Fulfillment centers (ship nodes) have to be specified in the body of the request. Shipnodes are mandatory parameters in the body of the request, if it’s not specified, the feed will error out.
Once the seller submits the bulk item inventory update feed, the seller gets a feed id as a response to the API call. The seller can call feed status API (Marketplace Seller Feed item status API link), using the feed id to check the progress of the submitted feed. The feed status APIs show the line Item level status of the inventory update in the submitted feed. Additionally, the seller can use “All feed statuses API” (Marketplace Seller All feed statuses API) to view the status of all the feeds submitted by the seller
Updated about 2 months ago