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You can update 10,000 items at once; updates with more than 10,000 items are not supported. Keep feed sizes below 10 MB to ensure optimal feed processing time.
You can use the Bulk Item Setup API for any of the following item spec versions, just specify the corresponding feed type as a query parameter.

  • Item spec feed type for 4.x spec: MP_ITEM_INTL
  • Set up item by match : MP_ITEM_MATCH
  • Maintenance spec : MP_MAINTENANCE

You can update 10,000 items at once; updates with more than 10,000 items are not supported. Keep feed sizes below 10 MB to ensure optimal feed processing time.You can use the Bulk Item Setup API for any of the following item spec versions, just specify the corresponding feed type as a query parameter. Item spec feed type for 4.x spec: MP_ITEM_INTL Set up item by match : MP_ITEM_MATCH * Maintenance spec : MP_MAINTENANCE

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