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Update Shipment Quantities

Seller can modify the shipment quantity before the Shipment arrives at the WFS FCs. Seller cannot modify the shipment quantity when Shipment Status = Receiving in Progress, Closed, and Cancelled.
Seller will need to provide new quantities for each SKU to update. Seller will only be able to add up to 6 units per SKU but can reduce to 0 units to remove any SKU from a shipment. Seller cannot change all SKUs’ quantity to 0 – they must cancel the entire Inbound Order.

Seller can modify the shipment quantity before the Shipment arrives at the WFS FCs. Seller cannot modify the shipment quantity when Shipment Status = Receiving in Progress, Closed, and Cancelled. Seller will need to provide new quantities for each SKU to update. Seller will only be able to add up to 6 units per SKU but can reduce to 0 units to remove any SKU from a shipment. Seller cannot change all SKUs’ quantity to 0 – they must cancel the entire Inbound Order.

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