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Get all items

Displays a list of all items by using either nextCursor or offset and limit query parameters.

There are two ways of pagination for this API

  • Using nextCursor query parameter
    First call will have the value of nextCursor as '*'. If a call to the endpoint results in a large number of items being returned, the results are sent back in pages. The element nextCursor which is returned in the response is required for pagination.

The nextCursor element contains the string that should be send as a query parameter to the subsequent GET call to get the next page of results.

A missing or empty nextCursor element in the response means that there are no more items left to retrieve.
The totalCount returns the total number of available items. Therefore, analysis of the totalCount provides the number of pages to be retrieved to get the whole list of items.

  • Using offset and limit query parameter
    First call to the API using offset=0 will return the first page of the list of items. The full list can be retrieved by subsequent requests to the same API with successively larger values of offset.

If a SKU is included, this request is semantically identical to Get an Item request. It will return only one item and hence pagination is not required.

This API displays a list of all items by using either nextCursor or offset and limit query parameters. There are two ways of pagination for this API:

  • Using nextCursor query parameter: First call will have the value of nextCursor as '*'. If a call to the endpoint results in a large number of items being returned, the results are sent back in pages. The element nextCursor which is returned in the response is required for pagination.
    The nextCursor element contains the string that should be send as a query parameter to the subsequent GET call to get the next page of results.
    A missing or empty nextCursor element in the response means that there are no more items left to retrieve. The totalCount returns the total number of available items. Therefore, analysis of the totalCount provides the number of pages to be retrieved to get the whole list of items.
  • Using offset and limit query parameter: First call to the API using offset=0 will return the first page of the list of items. The full list can be retrieved by subsequent requests to the same API with successively larger values of offset.

If a SKU is included, this request is semantically identical to Get an Item request. It will return only one item and hence pagination is not required.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!